Porcupine meatball raisin band

Porcupine meatballs with rice, cheese, ground beef shaped to look like real animal
Those little guys started off as porcupine meatballs. Go on, google what they’re supposed to look like. Or here, let me do that for you: LMGTFY
Mine obviously weren’t as spiky as they could’ve been, though, so then the toothpicks were added…
But porcupines need faces, too, right? Not just mohawks apparently.
So by the end, I had a band of California raisin guys instead.

California raisin guy dude band toys with saxophone, guitar, sunglasses

Porcupine meatballs with rice, cheese, ground beef with faces made of raisins and cranberries

Oh yeah, rock it you little rice, cheese, meatballs…. Ok, maybe not.
But you’ve gotta admit they look better than this did:

Rice and meat cheeseballs with toothpicks

And no, I can’t even tell you if that was the creation pre-face….or simply me taking pictures of the raisin dude butts. Does it really matter? No, of course not.
Also, this special closeup shot here is for the people who often ask how I get various faces to stick to random textures. Here’s an example of what happens when things don’t go as planned and I need a little extra duct tape toothpick help.
Stab your eyes out with toothpicks - Recipe for porcupine meatballs
In case you’re wondering, yes, they were quite delicious. But please, if you’re going to hide toothpicks in the eyes, at least warn the kids before they bite into them…

Homemade dog food – Make it, portion it, freeze it, win!

Homemade dog food with chicken, scrambled eggs, peas, carrots, potatoes, rice, and gravy

A couple days after putting up the post on how to make your own dog food, I found some more pictures I had wanted to share.

The above is where I roasted a whole turkey, deboned it, and mixed it with cooked rice, peas, carrots, some leftover potatoes (not many), and some scrambled eggs. Below shows it with some gravy. Appetizing, huh? I swear, dogs dig it. :P

Homemade dog food with chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes, rice, and gravy

And this? This is a whole lot of plastic wasted, but it means it could all be tossed into the freezer and my mom could pull it out, one serving at a time (about a cup for Buddy), microwave it, and be done.

Homemade dog food with chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes, rice, and gravy - Split up into ziploc baggies to freeze

I would also freeze a couple days’ worth in plastic bowls that could be thawed out in the fridge and then scooped out for each meal. For the sake of convenience, this made it just as easy as having store-bought food on hand.  And because it was only done once a month or two, the effort saved a bunch of time, money, and health in the process.

Christmas tree sushi -Deck the halls with boughs of Japanese mayo

Sushi art can keep my attention for way longer than it probably should, but I love it. People can get so creative with it and here’s an example of a cool Christmas twist….even if it’s not exactly “traditional.”  Shape them into little Christmas trees and then chow down.

Christmas tree sushi

300g cooked Japanese rice
2 TBS rice vinegar
100g chopped toro
1 avocado
1 tsp lemon juice
1/2 nori sheet
4 shiso
chopped green onion
4 star-shaped cheese (meiji)
soy sauce

Follow instructions in the video to see how to make them. :)

Sushi made to look like Christmas trees with nori, avocado, roe, cheese, green onions, japanese mayo

Visit the creator at CreateEatHappy.