Porcupine meatball raisin band

Those little guys started off as porcupine meatballs. Go on, google what they’re supposed to look like. Or here, let me do that for you: LMGTFY
Mine obviously weren’t as spiky as they could’ve been, though, so then the toothpicks were added…
But porcupines need faces, too, right? Not just mohawks apparently.
So by the end, I had a band of California raisin guys instead.

Oh yeah, rock it you little rice, cheese, meatballs…. Ok, maybe not.
And no, I can’t even tell you if that was the creation pre-face….or simply me taking pictures of the raisin dude butts. Does it really matter? No, of course not.
Also, this special closeup shot here is for the people who often ask how I get various faces to stick to random textures. Here’s an example of what happens when things don’t go as planned and I need a little extra duct tape toothpick help.

In case you’re wondering, yes, they were quite delicious. But please, if you’re going to hide toothpicks in the eyes, at least warn the kids before they bite into them…
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