It’s as simple as a Sharpie–Draw on the bag!

art, fun, lunch, sandwiches, school lunches | February 27, 2014 | By

Sandwich Bag Art - A full beach scene drawn on 3 different sandwich ziplock baggies with a beach chair, ball, sand, buckets, etc, using a Sharpie for the kids lunches.

I know there are people who spend hours on Pinterest, pinning dozens and dozens of ideas that they hope to one day put into action. I would venture a guess that at least 99% of those pins go completely untouched later and definitely uncreated. They’re great ideas! But frankly, most of them are time consuming…and most of us don’t have hours every day to spend in the kitchen, attempting to create masterpieces instead of a 20 minute halfway healthy meal.

But I don’t think it always has to be overly complicated to have some fun. Sometimes, it can be as simple as drawing on a plastic bag or on a brown paper bag. If you have even the tiniest bit of artistic talent (unlike me), then you can doodle something quick and away the lunch goes, creating a smile later in the day with only minimal time involved.

And if you can’t draw, then you can write a funny message instead, showing your child or spouse that you were thinking of them that morning before they rushed off to school or work.

Or if you really, really shouldn’t be wielding a messy permanent marker that is bound to explode all over the kitchen….. then invest in some cute stickers instead. ;)

To see a bunch of other sandwich art sketches, check out this Flickr account. It claims he’s been drawing on his kids’ sandwich bags since 2008! Some of them are simple and others are quite clever and complex!

Pouring Bad–Making bad latte art into great pen art instead

art, coffee, edible art | December 30, 2013 | By

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@antlam7 makes sh*tty latte art, @flukeout draws what he sees.”

Pouring Bad


Did you ever have the art lessons in school where the teacher would tell you to scribble on a sheet of paper? And then when you were done, you had to color or draw on certain areas that looked like real creatures or objects?

I feel like that’s what is happening here. The latte art is clearly bad (there are multiple pages on that site, so click through to see more), but the drawings are pretty good!

I have no idea if the latte artist is actually trying to make good art or not. I know it’s difficult and it clearly takes time to learn. I hope that if he is, though, and he starts getting better, that he continues to share his mistakes anyway, hehe.

3D Food Rings–Way Better than Mood Rings

art, food, food fashion, jewelry | December 17, 2013 | By

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These are being referred to as “mini food-in-motion rings” since they’re not just displays of food in general.
I know that I won’t be wearing any of these any time soon considering they would rise 3 inches above my hand and I’d be in constant fear of breaking them.
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I think it’s a fun way to step outside the box with jewelry, though. And if the size of these turn you off, she does have an entire collection of rings that aren’t quite as large. For being homemade and listed on Etsy, they’re priced surprisingly reasonably, too! I see a bunch of them that are only $6 and she currently has a sale going on. Not bad for such cute items!
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