It’s as simple as a Sharpie–Draw on the bag!
I know there are people who spend hours on Pinterest, pinning dozens and dozens of ideas that they hope to one day put into action. I would venture a guess that at least 99% of those pins go completely untouched later and definitely uncreated. They’re great ideas! But frankly, most of them are time consuming…and most of us don’t have hours every day to spend in the kitchen, attempting to create masterpieces instead of a 20 minute halfway healthy meal.
But I don’t think it always has to be overly complicated to have some fun. Sometimes, it can be as simple as drawing on a plastic bag or on a brown paper bag. If you have even the tiniest bit of artistic talent (unlike me), then you can doodle something quick and away the lunch goes, creating a smile later in the day with only minimal time involved.
And if you can’t draw, then you can write a funny message instead, showing your child or spouse that you were thinking of them that morning before they rushed off to school or work.
Or if you really, really shouldn’t be wielding a messy permanent marker that is bound to explode all over the kitchen….. then invest in some cute stickers instead. ;)
To see a bunch of other sandwich art sketches, check out this Flickr account. It claims he’s been drawing on his kids’ sandwich bags since 2008! Some of them are simple and others are quite clever and complex!
Wyngz – The cool way to say “not wings” (Fun facts about food Friday)
I really hate when people spell things with a ‘z’ instead of ‘s’ anyway, but apparently this is a real thing now – A government issued mandate that requires food manufacturers to label certain types of food this way.
So basically, “wyngz” are any chicken products that are sort of shaped like chicken wings, but aren’t actually wings at all. In fact, this is the ONLY misspelling that’s allowed and it has to be exactly this way with both the ‘y’ and the ‘z’ in order to be legal.
Not only that, but there is an entire list of very specific details that must be followed:
- The chicken used in said “chicken product” has to be white meat
- “Wyngz” has to be in the same color font and not hidden inconspicuously
- Here’s where we start getting specific – The smallest letter in the name can be no smaller than one-third the size of the largest letter used in ‘wyngz’. Get out your rulers, folks!
- It also has to state that it’s not wing meat (or isn’t ‘just’ wing meat), such as “contains breast meat and wing meat,” and has to be linked by an asterisk next to “wyngz,” pointing people to a more specific description of what they may or may not want to eat now.
Digiorno is doing it right on their boxes there.
And actually, they’re going one step farther by trying to make this sound like a great thing. If you go to their website, they explain that the reason for the “fancy spelling” is “Because they’re not wings. They’re even better!”
Really, I think this one sums up the new “spelling” quite nicely:
(Gah! My spell check was really angry at me for this post of “wyngz,” ha!)
Pi Day is coming- The best apple ‘pi’ with number filling
I have been around the interwebs for my fair share of “pi days”* and have seen a lot of awesome pies created for the day. I’ve even made my own pies on that day, because that’s what you’re supposed to do, right?
But this one takes the cake (er, pie?) for the best pi-related one. It goes above and beyond just putting the pi numbers on top and instead, fills the center with pie shaped apple slices, too. How fun would that be to slice into after already being impressed that there are numbers on top and expecting a regular pie inside?
From what I hear, A Periodic Table blogger Shannon is pretty darn good cook, too, and she’s got a lot of tips for how to make your own pie taste amazing, so I’m pretty sure this not only looks awesome, but would taste awesome, too. Usually when I see creations like this, I want to make my own and it inspires me to do something similar or related somehow, so it’s not an exact copy. I have no idea how I could possibly improve this one, though, so I’m just going to leave it to her. <3
*March 14 is considered “Pi Day” because the first 3 numbers of ‘pi’ are 3.14….which looks like the date “3-14” or “March 14.” Just wait for the celebration in a few years when it’s 3.1415….
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