Christmas tree sushi -Deck the halls with boughs of Japanese mayo

Sushi art can keep my attention for way longer than it probably should, but I love it. People can get so creative with it and here’s an example of a cool Christmas twist….even if it’s not exactly “traditional.”  Shape them into little Christmas trees and then chow down.

Christmas tree sushi

300g cooked Japanese rice
2 TBS rice vinegar
100g chopped toro
1 avocado
1 tsp lemon juice
1/2 nori sheet
4 shiso
chopped green onion
4 star-shaped cheese (meiji)
soy sauce

Follow instructions in the video to see how to make them. :)

Sushi made to look like Christmas trees with nori, avocado, roe, cheese, green onions, japanese mayo

Visit the creator at CreateEatHappy.

World’s largest monster sushi – 13 pounds? Pass the chopsticks!

Nablopomo – A place you want to go – This restaurant – Umewaka Restaurant in Anjo City, Japan

World's largest giant sushi from umewaka in Anjo City Japan

I don’t think this would be the best tasting sushi ever, but I do think it’d be quite the sight to watch this happen in person. (At least skip through some of the video to get a better idea of just how big this is).

They lay it out on a piece of seaweed that is 2 meters long and the total product weighs in at about 6kg (13 pounds) and 25 cm across (10 in). Obviously it’s not cheap either, at ¥15,000 or about 200 bucks….but wouldn’t it make for an awesome party spread?
World's largest giant sushi from umewaka in Anjo City Japan 
From what I can find, they also offer up a large platter of sushi nigiri, too, with things like octopus and squid, where the chunk of tuna alone is enough to make 40 normal portions of nigiri.

Unfortunately, no pictures there, so who knows?   Nevermind, found some! There’s a “normal sized” platter shown at the bottom for comparison’s sake. Holy cow, they’re huge!

World's largest giant sushi from umewaka in Anjo City Japan - Nigiri Nigri sushi compared to regular sized raw fish tuna octopus sushi

Mushroom pancakes – Toadstool flapjack recipe?

Looks like a mushroom! I promise I won’t start singing again. At least not aloud. At least not here. :P

I was just going to share the picture of my little mushroom-shaped pancake droplet, but then it got me to thinking about what actual mushroom pancakes would be like. Turns out, I didn’t have to look far to find lots of yummy looking mushroom pancake/crepe recipes.

Try these stuff pancakes/krokiety, for example, from Coffee and Vanilla:

*drools* You can see the little pancake bubble pockets….yum.

Or these leek and mushroom crepes (gluten-free, to boot, if that’s up your alley):

Those two are both stuffed/filled varieties, but here’s some with the mushrooms right in it.

These rolls really caught my eye, too. I usually think of pancakes as being a sweet, breakfast dish with a liquid topping, whether syrup, smashed fresh fruit, or just loads of butter. These rolls are more savory, of course, but I still want to top them with maybe a mushroom soup gravy, of sorts, or make them more like enchiladas.

Maybe more like these, but they’re more crepe-like.

I saw several Korean Enoki Mushroom Pancake recipes, too, here, here, and here.

It’s amazing how a single pancake “flavor,” of sorts, can be translated so many different ways.