Breakfast food music videos – Pork, waffles, toast, poptarts, or muffins?

bacon, breakfast, humor, muffins, pork, videos | August 15, 2011 | By

Pork (Meat of Kings) Lyrics

It’s the meat of kings!
It’s made from pig,
try it with onion rings!
Pork sure goes with everything,
’cause it’s made from swine,
that’s why it sure tastes fine!
Just bring some to the picnic baby,
you know you wanna stuff it in my hamper,
Put these puddings in some tupperware,
’cause I don’t want to be a porky chancer
Lets talk about pork… converse about meat,
Veggies need wedgies ‘cause we can’t be beat!
Ham and Bacon, you should taste them,
I know it so pricy, but it’s so appetizing!!!

Waffles Lyrics

Do you like Waffles?
Yeah, we like waffles!
Do you like pancakes?
Yeah, we like pancakes!
Do you french toast?
Yeah, we like french toast!
Di bi di bi di, get an waffles!
Wa- Di bi di bi di, can’t wait to get a mouthful!
Do you like Waffles?
Yeah, we like waffles!
Do you like pancakes?
Yeah, we like pancakes!
Do you french toasts?
Yeah, we like french toasts!
Wa- Di bi di bi di, can’t wait to get a mouthful!

All around the country coast to coast,
people always say what do you like most,
I don’t wanna brag i don’t wanna boast,
I always tell ’em I like toast.
yeah TOAST yeah TOAST
i get up in the mornin’ bout six AM,
have a little jelly have a little jam,
take a piece of bread put it in the slot,
push down the lever and the wires gets hot,
i get toast.
yeah TOAST yeah TOAST
now there’s no secret to toasting perfection,
there’s a dial on the side and you make your selection,
push to the dark or the light and then,
if it pops too soon press down again,
make toast.
yeah TOAST yeah TOAST
when the first caveman drove in from the drags,
didn’t know what would go with the bacon and the eggs,
must have been a genius got it in his head,
plug the toaster in the wall,
buy a bag of bread,
make toast.
yeah TOAST yeah TOAST
oui monsieur bonjour coquette,
uh huh croissante vous a ver,
maurice chevalier effeil tower,
oh oui maria bagette bon soir,
in chicago around the Bob and Tom show

Newsboys Breakfast Song Lyrics

Hold the milk, put back the sugar
They are powerless to console
We’ve gathered here to sprinkle ashes
From our late friend’s cereal bowl.
Breakfast Clubbers, say the motto
That he taught us to repeat:
"You will lose it in your gym class
If you wait ’til noon to eat."
Back when the Chess Club said our eggs were soft
Every Monday he’d say grace and hold our juice aloft
Oh, none of us knew his checkout time would come so soon
But before his brain stopped waving, he composed this tune:
Breakfast clubbers, drop the hankies.
Though to some our friend was odd,
That day he bought those pine pajamas
His check was good with God.
Those here without the Lord,
How do you cope?
For this morning we don’t mourn
Like those who have no hope
Oh, rise up, Fruit Loop lovers –
Sing out sweet & low
With spoons held high
We bid our brother, "Cheerio!"

Muffin of Love Lyrics

(Muffin, muffin, muffin…. & Muff, muff, muffin of love playing in background entire time)
I need to plan a lesson or two
but not before I say to you
that you are my muffin
My muffin of love!
I’ve got to write a letter or three
but first there’s one thing that I need
That’s my muffin! Whoah
My muffin of love.
Some folks like biscuits.
Some folks like cakes.
but I like the jiggles that my muffin makes.
Some folks like pudding
tricks and the treats
But I can’t disguise the way my heart beats.
I’d have to live a lifetime or four
to find a woman
that I want more than my muffin
My muffin of love!
(Chorus again)

Nyan cat lyrics

Nyan, nyan, nyan, nyan, nyan, nyan, nyan, nyan, nyan, nyan…………

(And if you want to kill me for posting that last video, check out this link which is an awesome video of kids’ reactions to Nyan cat)

Hello Kitty tortilla pizzas

You know Hello Kitty, right? If not, you should probably leave the internet now and never come back. :P

Pretty close, yeah? I used olives for the eyes and whiskers, sesame seeds for the nose, and pepperoni for the bow. Oh right, and a mozzarella cheese base, of course.

The girls had been watching me carefully cut the tortillas and once they finally guessed what I was making, they were so excited. It’s not even that I have any Hello Kitty fans, so much as it was that they loved being able to recognize what I was creating.

They were each slightly different, too. The bows weren’t quite right, so I kept fiddling. Some were fatter, some had higher whispers, etc. Some had funky ears.

Because they’re used to having tomato sauce with pizza-esque items, we had some red Hello Kitties, too, hehe.

I thought it was really funny how they each ate theirs, too. Instead of starting at one point and eating straight through to another (or requesting I cut it into pizza sliced triangles like they usually want), they each eat around the face in one way or another:

When I’d been cutting the tortillas, a couple of them were too kitty like and not cartoon Hello Kitty enough, so I pushed them to the side. With a little altering, though, they were still usable. My little sister came through and turned them into Pretty Kitties instead:


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When life gets you down, at least there’s still food… (Deserter passports and Chicago Blues Fest – Picture-heavy)

(Oh so cloudy…)

Okay, so that’s probably along the same lines of “if you’re having a bad day, eat a gallon quart pint small bowl of ice cream,” and that’s really not the best idea always, but it’s kinda true. I have a thing for comfort food, which really just means that any accessible food is likely to make me feel better, hehe.

A couple weeks ago, everything that could’ve gone wrong, pretty much did. Long story short, my passport went missing 5 days before before a huge international trip was set to take place. After searching for 12+ hours, turning the house upside down (no really, that includes moving the stove and fridge….the unimaginable and forgotten were even scoured repeatedly), numerous meltdowns, and a dozen calls that led to feeling like I was harassing government officials (oops?), I finally got a glimmer of hope.

Chicago has a National Passport Agency where I could potentially get an appointment and receive a passport same day. Unfortunately, their soonest appointment wasn’t until after my trip was scheduled anyway, but a couple meltdowns later, more searching, and more harassing (double oops?), I finally got someone that talked to a superior and got my name put on an emergency standby list. He still told me that it was highly unlikely I’d get called, and even if I did, it’d be if an opening came up….and considering Chicago was a 5-6 hour drive away from me, it’s not like I could make a last minute appointment anyway, but no matter. It was more than I had before.

Oh, and my original birth certificate was discovered missing, too. Did I mention that? No? Well I did say that everything that could’ve gone wrong, did go wrong, didn’t I? You should’ve assumed it wasn’t just a passport slipup. And getting a new passport in Chicago, meant also having to provide a lovely raised-embossed birth certificate copy. I was born a state over, so guess what I did the day after discovering this? I drove across the border to a state office that would give me a copy right then and there instead of paying to have it express-shipped to me, with no guarantee I’d get it before the weekend.

At the point where I had to give up on finding my passport (there’s a landfill laughing at me somewhere, I’m sure), I had to focus on making backup plans. It wasn’t the easiest to do, but the trip must go on. And lo and behold, while I was sitting in St. Louis having lunch after getting my birth certificate, they called.
Chicago freakin’ called! I couldn’t believe it! They told me if I showed up on Friday morning before they opened, they’d get me in, and I could have a passport by that afternoon….which was the day before my  plane was set to leave, and left me only a single day to pack and prep everything. Yikes! But whatever, I had an appointment! In Chicago! And I could make my trip!

(I don’t understand these statues. Why are they being sprayed??)

So to Chicago we went. It was exhausting, leaving at 3 am, running into floods (yes, even with a more promising outlook, things continued to go wrong), detouring, hopping a train, walking to the place, going through security, and finally waiting in line as the 3 people in front of me were turned away because of problems with their applications or pictures. But I made it. And they let me have a passport 6 long hours later!
And while I waited? We walked to the park and discovered that a Blues Fest was being set up and would be available to enter in about half an hour. Hmm, Blues Fest? Not necessarily my type of music, but fest = food, and food is awesome. We walked around a bit longer and then hit it up.

Fortunately, food was definitely aplenty and we went the route of choosing a few different “blues bites” options….which are partial portions of food for cheaper prices, so we could try more without having to decide on just one or two items.

That’s the part you’re here for, right? The food! It’s certainly the part *I’m* here for, but I couldn’t appreciate the food without all the hassle and frustration that led to it. Ah well.

Pulled pork from Robinson’s was awesome-tastic with tons of sauce and tender meat. Or maybe we were just starving, but it sure hit the spot.

We sampled some mustard catfish, but with only 3 pieces, I was a bit underwhelmed. Oh well.

And Billy Goat’s? Well we passed by them at least 3 times because they were “just burgers” but they were also actively yelling out, encouraging people to come by, and after a bit, their enthusiasm won my tickets. Unfortunately, they really were “just burgers,” even though I was really hoping they’d be something a bit more special. Again, oh well. At least I had my BBQ pork still, hehe.

(Yes, I took a picture of the burger upside down. Whatever.)

You can’t go to Chicago without having some authentic Chicago deep dish pizza, right? Wrong. The “blues bites” option at the pizza place actually wasn’t pizza at all. :S Strange. Instead, it was shaved ice and worked out well for us to have a “drink/dessert” with the food….and the tickets ended up falling in a way that we grabbed a second one of these on our way back to the passport agency. Not bad.

And the entertainment was fun. Guy King and his Little Big Band were okay, but my eyes were glued to a guy in the crowd the entire time (well, between bites anyway). Check him out, dancing to the beat, all by himself.

Wish I would’ve gotten more of his excited moves, but every time I’d put down my camera is when he’d get into it again.


Did I mention I got my passport? Yay!
