Will the bacon craze ever end? (Wordless Wednesday)

bacon, funny, humor, pictures, pork | May 25, 2011 | By

Pig hog diagram showing all the parts of the anatomy and cuts of meat with all being "good" except for the lower portion where bacon comes from that says "real good"

Fried pork shiso rolls – Bento meat sushi rolls*

Aibento pork shiso rolls

^ Those are not mine. Those are gorgeous, perfectly rolled and sliced pork shiso rolls from Adventures in Bento.  I love how the middles ended up looking like miniature whole carrots in some of them.

We determined mine looked more like little mis-colored strawberries. Pork shiso rolls with flattened pork loin chop stuffed with carrots and green beans or asparagus wrapped in ham

I obviously left the toothpicks in for this picture because I felt they needed horns. Or something like that. ><

Aibento has some delicious step-by-step pictures of placing the fresh, colorful veggies and delicately rolling them to perfection. I just have pictures of the most important part….the frying:

Frying pan of pork shiso rolls with flattened pork loin chop stuffed with carrots and green beans or asparagus wrapped in ham

Whole pork shiso rolls with flattened pork loin chop stuffed with carrots and green beans or asparagus wrapped in ham - meat sushi pork or chicken

See that dark brown, almost black crispness? Oh yeah, that’s where it’s at.

I actually made two batches of these and had plenty leftover for the girls’ bento lunches the next day, too. They couldn’t wait.

Bento box contents: Leftover salad with light spritzes of Italian dressing so it didn’t spread all over the box, sliced mango, stuffed pork rolls, boiled egg, homemade fruit roll up leather, leftover rice with peas, corn, and soy sauce

This was definitely a day of green and orange, huh? Oh well…they loved it anyway.

* This title is all sorts of wrong, by the way. First of all, I don’t have shiso in my rolls at all. It’s the leafy green edge you can see in aibento’s. And secondly, sushi refers to the rice in rolls we tend to call just sushi….these obviously aren’t actually sushi at all, but but sometimes you’ve gotta call ‘em what the kids think they look like.

** In the boxes, from top of the picture: Leftover salad with light spritzes of Italian dressing so it didn’t spread all over the box, sliced mango, stuffed pork rolls, boiled egg, homemade fruit roll up leather, leftover rice with peas, corn, and soy sauce. Thank goodness these guys love leftovers.

Tortilla pizzas don’t have to be boring

ham, kids, pizza, pork, smiley face, tortilla | February 28, 2011 | By

tortilla pizza
For me, tortilla pizzas are usually a lazy quick, easy meal that are made of, at most, cheese, pepperoni, and sauce (which may or may not even have seasonings). There might be the occasional fluke where I turn them into Hello Kitty pizzas (oh my god, I don’t have that posted….what is wrong with me??), but usually, they’re nothing special.

The above kicked it up a notch into almost classy. The crust may be a cheap tortilla, but the top was filled with proscuitto, feta, freshly wilted spinach, cheddar, red onions, and olives. Yum.

No matter how classy you try to make them, though, if you’re preparing them with me, it’s guaranteed I’m going to subtract at least 50 points from your efforts. They don’t have to be boring, but they certainly do have to have a smiley face. :P