Burned belly buttons – Third time’s a charm

Obviously my belly button just prefers tempting fate with hot dishes. :(

This time, though, I have proof. Well at least sort of:

Burnt belly button remedy - Red burning sensation all around the belly button

It looks like only the area below my belly button is burned, but it was actually the whole area, even up above the belly button itself. Ouch.

I wasn’t leaning over a hot dish at all this time, though. I was dumping boiling water into the sink, resting the pan on the edge like I always do. Well apparently some decided to trickle down the underside and start running down the cabinet. It was a small enough amount that it slowly soaked the front of my shirt without me noticing. Then when some hit my feet, I backed up instinctively, only to pull the wet shirt up against myself, burning the whole area.

Boooo! Obviously it wasn’t too bad, as you can see from the picture, but it still hurt for a few days, bleh.

Quirky Jessi likes to lick feet…and cook…yeah, cook…

Child writing spelling sentences. Says "I put a lime in the coconut and shook it all up. Jessi likes to cook. Jessi likes to lick my foot. I do not have a woolen coat."

Yes, yes I do. What’s it to ya? From B’s spelling sentences last year.

Anywho, we’ll keep it short. It’s Christmas, after all, and none of you are going to see this for a few more days at least, right? So hope your Christmas was a great one and that you’re still wearing your leopard Santa hats.

Quirky Jessi wearing a leopard print Santa hat

Leopard Santa hats and rainbow belts. Aww yeah! :P

~Edit~ Also, I made a tree. I’ll post details of it another time. For now, Merry Christmas…again. :)

Christmas tree made of broccoli, cranberries, cheese

Quirky Cookery Easter Bunny

Yes, I fully realize that Easter was a few months ago, but whatever.

What happens when you cross this original:

With this purple evolution/spin:

With a couple dozen pre-cracked eggs:

With a silly Jessi who just let her family know that she had a blog right before Easter?

You get this entered into the yearly egg contest: