Top 30 Video Game Cakes

How anyone could ever choose only 10, I will never know. And I’m sure there are tons I didn’t even come across that deserved a spot here, so send the video game cakes my way and I’ll edit them in…or do a follow-up. There are just too many good ones.

1. Plants vs. Zombies

Plants vs Zombies birthday cake

Plants vs Zombies birthday cupcakes with corn cob thrower, pea shooter, sunflowers, zombies

Plants vs Zombies birthday cake with water, lily pads, roof, zombies

2. Pacman Arcade

Pacman arcade video game machie with blinkie and such

3. Mario and Princess Peach wedding cake
Mario and Princess Peach cake for a wedding - Mario Kart track around the middle, stars, plants 

4. Nintendo Controller – I have a special appreciation for cakes that do NOT use fondant. Yes, they’re amazing, but I also think it takes a special knack to work with liquidy icing and craft magnificent cakes freehand like my mom does.

Birthday cake of Nintendo controller without fondant
5. Nintendo DS – Icing instead of fondant again. After checking with some other gamers, the conclusion is that the game is Rune Factory….or Legend of Zelda. Anybody who has played either on DS that can confirm?

Rune Factory farming role playing game on Nintendo DS - birthday cake for Matt

6. Blue Yoshi – She explains that the picture on the left is what she printed off, but her 8 year old wanted it blue, so she colored in the picture on the right co copy.

Blue Yoshi cake
7. Tetris

Tetris cake with lots of tetris fondant squares 

8. Halo Master Chief

Halo Master Chief green helmet cake
9. Portal space cube

Portal portal cube

10. Angry Birds – I’m sick of Angry Birds stuff, but this one is just awesome. It’s a cake based on a t-shirt based on video game. ;)

Threadless tshirt cake contest of Angry birds with pigs/hogs on a table with apple in mouths, slingshot, realistic birds
11. Playable Angry Birds – And really, sick of Angry Birds or not, there’s no way this could be excluded considering you can actually -play- the game on the cake. Too cool.

Playable Angry Birds cake with flying birds and pigs
12. Starcraft

Starcraft cake
13. Starcraft

Starcraft cake 
14. World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft cake

15. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Caker? :p)


16. Mario chess board – I bet this took quite a while to sculpt each little figure

17. Q*bert


18. Bioshock


19. Skyrim


20. LEGO Batman

21. Playstation 3 game console with controller, Blackberry phone, and a spilled Pepsi can

22. NES video game console featuring characters Mario, Megaman, Princess Peach, Link from Zelda,  Luigi, and I believe Donkey Kong bursting through the butter knife flap (That’s what it was for, right? Flip it up to change the game and then stick a knife in to hold it tight?)


23. Left 4 Dead


24. Ms. Pacman

25. Mario – Previously featured here, but doesn’t make it any less awesome

26. Epic Minecraft grass/dirt cube – In case you were wondering, that’s a 6" x 6" square choc mud cake and 1025 little squares. Yes, that many.

28. League of Legends Teemo


29. World of Warcraft Deathwing

Also, I looked for a good Pokemon cake and none of them really blew my mind like I was hoping. A couple of the Snorlax were pretty close from here, but links are broken.

Fun Easter foods – Deviled eggs, orange baskets, bunny bread

Click the pictures to take you to the sources and find out how to make your own. :)

Hard boiled eggs split in half with faces

Sailboats made out of hardboiled eggs for Easter bento box

(The sailboats are fruit leather, by the way…awesome)

Easter egg pancake drawing art

Easter egg chick made out of yellow, white, orange pancakes flapjacks

Easter bunny filled with spinach artichoke cream cheese dip in its belly with carrots cucumbers and tomatoes

(I originally saved this one last year because I wanted to make my own. Fast forward and I obviously haven’t so please look at her awesomeness instead).

Orange fruit baskets for Easter

Heart and chick kabobs for Easter day barbecue

Deviled egg for Easter with horns Deviled egg chicke for EasterDeviled egg basket for Easter

How to eat on the go with kids – Fast food bento boxes?

Use an art supply school organizer to hold hamburger, fries, apples, drink, and sauces from a fast food restaurant like McDonald's

You know how it is eating fast food on the go. Sure, cars usually have a drink holder, but what about for the rest?

If your kid can barely keep food on his/her plate when sitting still at a kitchen table, how can you expect them to juggle a burger, fries, sauces, and getting a drink every so often on a tiny uneven lap in a moving vehicle? You can’t.

Lookie What I Did got this little basket for a buck at a dollar store and I’m sure we’ve all seen them for art or craft supplies….or they’re synonymous with showering in college dorm rooms considering you have to carry your own toiletries back and forth.

Why not keep a couple of these organizers in the car to make chowing down on the go even easier, too? Nobody likes cleaning up ketchup off the backseat, after all. I can’t help you prevent the splatterings on the roof, though….not that I’ve ever had to deal with those exploding ketchup packets in the backseat before or anything…