Wordless Wednesday – Is *that* what we’re eating? Eww

Pork or porkchop marinade with onions and worcestershire sauce

The attack of the killer onions

accidents, kids, mistakes, onions, pictures | March 12, 2011 | By

Sometimes these things just happen. Maybe not overnight….maybe not even over a week….but they happen.

And when they do, you use it as a science lesson for the kids as though it’s nothing out of the ordinary to have onions starting to climb out of the cabinet. Yeah, I know you can see the one in the back that is reaching all the way forward and up the next shelf.


The ultimate poutine

That’s what it looks like. Amazing. Stunning. Delicious. Piled high with thick potato fries, curds, bacon, peppers, onions, and loads of gravy.

Here’s another view.

Oh yeah, heaven. I’ve attempted recreating this myself (yeah, I’ll show you the pictures another time, hehe), but I have yet to get anywhere close to the incredible (yes, it’s worth this many adjectives) poutine from Belgian Fries on Commercial Drive in Vancouver.

Did I mention how good this tasted? Mmm.