10 Quirky Cupcakes – Plain ol’ cupcakes are so last season…

I see a lot of cupcakes.
I mean, A LOT of cupcakes. They’re everywhere, all the time, even on sites completely unrelated to food. I love cupcakes (and cake pops, for that matter, which is also rather faddy), but I could easily flood a site with cupcakes in no time. Sometimes I save some that stand out as really unique and plan to blog about them, but never do.
So here’s some just from the last few months that I held onto.
Wicket Witch Crushed by a Cupcake – Love this one! We see characters put on top of cupcakes all the time, but to flip it over as part of a scene? Very cute.

Wicked witch of the west cupcake with feet sticking out of upside down cupcake like a house has fallen on her
Starry Night Cupcakes Cake – I’m usually not a fan of cupcake cakes, but this one is really well done as the famous Starry Night painting.

Van Gogh's Starry Night painting done in cupcakes cake
Sesame Street cupcakes – Annie was awesome enough to do a full photo tutorial for these. You’ll love how Big Bird’s beak was created.

Sesame Street cupcakes - cookie monster, elmo, big bird, oscar the grouch made with cookies, marshmallows, candies 

Santa Claus hats – So what if this is April? They’re awesome. :P

Red Santa hat made out of icing on cupcakes
Muppets – We’ve seen a lot of Muppet creations, too, but I still think these are the best cupcakes I saw.

The entire cast of the muppets on cupcakes - Miss piggy, kermet
Indiana Jones – Simple, and yet, oh so awesome.

Indiana Jones hat and whip on cupcakes 

High heeled cupcakes – These gets points just for not being only cupcakes.

Cupcakes that look like high heeled shoes
Groundhog’s Day cupcake push pops – This is kind of like cakeball pop meets creative cupcake, huh?

Ground hogs day food that looks like groundhog badger gopher as a cupcake in a push pop container 

Candy frog
– Cute, huh?

Frog candy cupcake with open mouth and tongue

Piranha Plant – If you follow my Quirky Mario tumblr, you’ve probably already seen this one.
Pirahna pirrana plant from mario games as a cupcake in fondant with leaves

Electronic cupcake inhaler – Sniff away the calories?

cupcakes, products | April 17, 2012 | By

Yeah, I’ll pass.

At a glance, it sounds great, right? Smell makes a large portion of our taste, so why not smell the cupcakes while resisting the temptation to eat one?

Because um, it’s not really a cupcake. If I want a cupcake, I want a cupcake…not just to smell one. And boy is my stomach going to be furious when my nose sends the message that cupcakes are coming, but they’re not. How devious. ;)

Electronic e- inhaler for cupakes - Smell the cupcakes without the calories - Strawberry shortcake, vanilla, apple pieElectronic e- inhaler for cupakes - Smell the cupcakes without the calories - Cinnamon bun, lemon meringue, maple pancakesElectronic e- inhaler for cupakes - Smell the cupcakes without the calories - Raspberry cheesecake, Strawberry shortcake, vanilla cupcake

If you really want them anyway (hey, if you like sniffing things, it’s none of my business, right?), then you can find them at Vaportrim. I’ll warn you now that it smells of a weight loss scam site, but hey, for a few bucks shipping, they’ll send you a free sample, so might as well, right? 

I would’ve ordered one, just to try it out and do a review, but when I made it to the order screen, I remembered how indecisive I am and had to walk away after not being able to choose. :P

Food trucks, but not – Trucks that look like their foods

I actually had a hard time finding information on some of these because any searches that continued both “food” and “truck” automatically brought up a billion different food trucks. I love ‘em, too, but their popularity over the last few years especially is getting a little ridiculous.

Mostly because there’s no way I can try out all the food trucks I want, pfft. :P

Anyway, to the trucks!

Planters nutmobile with Mr. Peanut in his monacle, tux, and cane standing next to a truck shaped and decorated like a peenut

Planter’s Peanut Mobile


Hershey Kissmobile


Maximus Minimus


Midwest Dairy Association


Westport Flea Market Bar & Grill – This one is actually one of my favorites. If it weren’t parked outside the sign saying it’s for a bar and grill restaurant, too, I might be a little confused but regardless, I like that the entire vehicle has been transformed into a burger and all its fixig’s.


Boston Lobster Feast Car

Goldfish – The snack that smiles back


Sweet Jenni’s Cupcake Truck
via Mom