Electronic cupcake inhaler – Sniff away the calories?

cupcakes, products | April 17, 2012 | By

Yeah, I’ll pass.

At a glance, it sounds great, right? Smell makes a large portion of our taste, so why not smell the cupcakes while resisting the temptation to eat one?

Because um, it’s not really a cupcake. If I want a cupcake, I want a cupcake…not just to smell one. And boy is my stomach going to be furious when my nose sends the message that cupcakes are coming, but they’re not. How devious. ;)

Electronic e- inhaler for cupakes - Smell the cupcakes without the calories - Strawberry shortcake, vanilla, apple pieElectronic e- inhaler for cupakes - Smell the cupcakes without the calories - Cinnamon bun, lemon meringue, maple pancakesElectronic e- inhaler for cupakes - Smell the cupcakes without the calories - Raspberry cheesecake, Strawberry shortcake, vanilla cupcake

If you really want them anyway (hey, if you like sniffing things, it’s none of my business, right?), then you can find them at Vaportrim. I’ll warn you now that it smells of a weight loss scam site, but hey, for a few bucks shipping, they’ll send you a free sample, so might as well, right? 

I would’ve ordered one, just to try it out and do a review, but when I made it to the order screen, I remembered how indecisive I am and had to walk away after not being able to choose. :P


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