Ruby red flippers – There’s no place like trout

Bento box with whole fish legs, red pepper skirt, red pepper heel Dorothy ruby slippers, rice and salad

Okay, so it’s not trout, but do you have any idea how hard it is to identify fish based on just the middle whole portion? Not easy!

I wish I had a source for this, but even when I tried to search for it to figure out the fish type, no luck. Send me a link if you know the owner!

Otherwise, enjoy the red heel peppers and fishy legs bento. Cute idea!

Porcupine meatball raisin band

Porcupine meatballs with rice, cheese, ground beef shaped to look like real animal
Those little guys started off as porcupine meatballs. Go on, google what they’re supposed to look like. Or here, let me do that for you: LMGTFY
Mine obviously weren’t as spiky as they could’ve been, though, so then the toothpicks were added…
But porcupines need faces, too, right? Not just mohawks apparently.
So by the end, I had a band of California raisin guys instead.

California raisin guy dude band toys with saxophone, guitar, sunglasses

Porcupine meatballs with rice, cheese, ground beef with faces made of raisins and cranberries

Oh yeah, rock it you little rice, cheese, meatballs…. Ok, maybe not.
But you’ve gotta admit they look better than this did:

Rice and meat cheeseballs with toothpicks

And no, I can’t even tell you if that was the creation pre-face….or simply me taking pictures of the raisin dude butts. Does it really matter? No, of course not.
Also, this special closeup shot here is for the people who often ask how I get various faces to stick to random textures. Here’s an example of what happens when things don’t go as planned and I need a little extra duct tape toothpick help.
Stab your eyes out with toothpicks - Recipe for porcupine meatballs
In case you’re wondering, yes, they were quite delicious. But please, if you’re going to hide toothpicks in the eyes, at least warn the kids before they bite into them…

How to make edible Legos – Vegetable blocks

Leggo blocks made out of carrots, potato, squash, rutabaga, etc, and sometimes even tofu. Soak carrots, potato, squash, rutabaga, and tofu in water, cut and poke holes out and push up, to create fun lego block treats.

Full LEGO tutorial

Making LEGO blocks out of fondant or some sugary treat wouldn’t be too hard, but I love that these are made out of vegetables instead. Not only does it encourage playing with your food some, but it also means eating something healthy in the process instead of pure junk.