Facts about Food Friday – Make your own shaker jars

Facts about Food Friday

So it’s been a little while since the last FaF, but no matter. I’ll make it up to you with this genius fact:

Canning jars have the same size top as parmesan cheese shakers.

Why should you care? Because that means you can turn any old glass jar (not the wide-mouthed kind) into your own shaker bottle.

Mason jar with green parmesean cheese jar shaker top lid

Not that you should be buying those cheap green jars of parmesan “cheese” anyway, but if you have any sitting in the back of your fridge, might as well put them to use. Think outside the standard box of shaker jars and consider storing your bread crumbs in them for an easy way to add a quick topping to a casserole.

Or store your cat’s favorite nutritional yeast and garlic power in one. Not that I’ve ever done this, of course. Just hypothetically speaking, if your cat is addicted to powdered yeast, this would make it really easy to shake on her food every morning…

Aaaahhhh – When watermelons attack (Wordless Wednesday)

animals, cats, fruit, fruits, humor | January 11, 2012 | By

Cat attacking a watermelon gif

Lolcats discuss the difference between want and need

Nablopomo – Something I need

Lolcat - Fat cat with caption "maybe I ate all the marshmallows And maybe I didn't"

Unlike wants, needs are a little harder to pinpoint sometimes. Does that kitty really need more marshmallows? Nah. :P Does he really, really, really want them? Oh yeah!

Lolcats - I need dis - cat with orange juice, steak - Oh god I need dis this

Right now, I completely sympathize with that last kitty. Sometimes, a craving is so intense that you just need it.

I think these little guys may not realize the difference between want and need.

 Cat climbing barbecue grill to get hot dogs and hamburgers - Lolcat wants steak too Lolcat cat wants stack of pancakes with big blue eyes