Surprise cereal bowls – Kitty in the milk again

cats, nablopomo, pets, products | November 2, 2011 | By

Nablopomo – Favorite Animal – Cat

I’m a cat person. Well, an animal person really, but if I have my pick, I’ll take the kitties. Tigers are particularly awesome, but considering I can’t keep one of those in my living room, I’ll still with the smaller, more domesticated, slightly less ferocious house cat.

Cereal bowls with hidden pictures of a cat when you add milk

So it’s no surprise that I love these bowls. It looks like a normal bowl, but add milk and suddenly there’s a kitty silhouette.

Not a cat person? Try out the dog or bird instead.

Cereal bowls with hidden pictures of a cat, wolf dog, bird eagle when you add milk and cereal

Then again, for the $320 price tag, maybe I’ll just stick with my normal bowls…

Sometimes, I get so thirsty I need a nap, too (Wordless Wednesday)

animals, cats, pets, Wordless Wednesday | October 12, 2011 | By

All the other food bloggers post pictures of their pets

When QJ moves – Part 9 – The cat calls dibbs on the baking stone

cats, moving, pets, pizza | July 26, 2011 | By

Yep, so as we were unpacking, there may’ve been a few things that got stacked on the floor, and well, yeah, of course that means that the cats automatically owned them.

Not only did they own them, but they liked to rub it in our faces:

You can’t tell me she’s not showing off, proud of herself for finding such an awesome sleeping spot. Notice that it’s right at the vent, too, in the middle of summer, with the air conditioner no doubt running every so often, turning the pizza stone into a glorious slab of coolness.

Yeah, I might be jealous. Darn cats, sleeping on my food *and* my dishes.