Surprise cereal bowls – Kitty in the milk again

cats, nablopomo, pets, products | November 2, 2011 | By

Nablopomo – Favorite Animal – Cat

I’m a cat person. Well, an animal person really, but if I have my pick, I’ll take the kitties. Tigers are particularly awesome, but considering I can’t keep one of those in my living room, I’ll still with the smaller, more domesticated, slightly less ferocious house cat.

Cereal bowls with hidden pictures of a cat when you add milk

So it’s no surprise that I love these bowls. It looks like a normal bowl, but add milk and suddenly there’s a kitty silhouette.

Not a cat person? Try out the dog or bird instead.

Cereal bowls with hidden pictures of a cat, wolf dog, bird eagle when you add milk and cereal

Then again, for the $320 price tag, maybe I’ll just stick with my normal bowls…


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