A greener way to make toast – “Multipurposing” skills (Wordless Wednesday)

Lean piece of bread against hot burner or pan while making pasta or boiling water. No toaster needed.

Don’t judge.

How to eat on the go with kids – Fast food bento boxes?

Use an art supply school organizer to hold hamburger, fries, apples, drink, and sauces from a fast food restaurant like McDonald's

You know how it is eating fast food on the go. Sure, cars usually have a drink holder, but what about for the rest?

If your kid can barely keep food on his/her plate when sitting still at a kitchen table, how can you expect them to juggle a burger, fries, sauces, and getting a drink every so often on a tiny uneven lap in a moving vehicle? You can’t.

Lookie What I Did got this little basket for a buck at a dollar store and I’m sure we’ve all seen them for art or craft supplies….or they’re synonymous with showering in college dorm rooms considering you have to carry your own toiletries back and forth.

Why not keep a couple of these organizers in the car to make chowing down on the go even easier, too? Nobody likes cleaning up ketchup off the backseat, after all. I can’t help you prevent the splatterings on the roof, though….not that I’ve ever had to deal with those exploding ketchup packets in the backseat before or anything…

Turn a salt container spout into…awesomeness

container, products, sugar, tips | March 23, 2012 | By


Why didn’t I think of this??

Obviously that’s great for sugar, but similar to the parmesan shaker top idea, think of all the other things you could use this for. Maybe for creamer, too? Or one of either of these tops would work well to keep some flour in to dust your counter top when rolling doughs and whatnot.