Sugar Rush – Are you a statistic?

health, images, information, PSA, sugar | July 9, 2012 | By

This is definitely more on the PSA side of things instead of the quirky side, although I’ve gotta love the little cartoon pictures used to show just how much we’re overdoing it in the sugar department. I don’t personally consume nearly that much, but I’m betting some of you are pushing it, huh?
Enjoy the reality check:
Soda Infographic on just how much sugar the United States takes in every year - 5 bags of sugar, thousands of soda pops, diabetes on the rise, people are getting fatter and more obese every year

Turn a salt container spout into…awesomeness

container, products, sugar, tips | March 23, 2012 | By


Why didn’t I think of this??

Obviously that’s great for sugar, but similar to the parmesan shaker top idea, think of all the other things you could use this for. Maybe for creamer, too? Or one of either of these tops would work well to keep some flour in to dust your counter top when rolling doughs and whatnot.

Fried bananas on cinnamon toast

Fried cinnamon and sugar banana slices

Now that Nablopomo is over, I figure it’s time to get back to posting more of the projects and foods I’ve made myself. I’m constantly talking about things I’ve done before, go to find the link, and realize that I never got around to posting about it. Bleh.

These fried bananas are ones I actually forgot about, which is funny, because my forgetfulness is what led to them in the first place. I kept buying a single plantain with the intent of us getting to try fried plantains, only to then forget it bought it until long after it’d gone soft, black, and furry slimy nasty.

Finally, I gave up and made fried bananas randomly one morning to go with the cinnamon toast I’d already planned. Fried cinnamon and sugar banana slices before being cooked

How’d I make them? I, uh, winged it. I sliced the bananas, tossed them with a combination of flour and cinnamon, and then fried them in a pan, likely with butter.

Fried cinnamon and sugar banana slices

Wait, no, looks like oil. *Eyes the right-hand side of the photo* Yep, oil.

I don’t remember what I did when I was winging it. Don’t judge. That’s what the pictures are for…to remind me how I did something. :P

Cinnamon and sugar toast in the broiler

Anyyywaaaayyyy….cinnamon toast. Butter, sugar, cinnamon on bread in the broiler. Complicated, I know.

Fried cinnamon and sugar banana slices on cinnamon toast

I tried to be all technical and precise by lining a certain number of slices on each piece of bread for a picture. But really, that’s ugly and unappetizing.

Fried cinnamon and sugar banana slices on cinnamon toast

Piling it on was much, much better.

Fried cinnamon and sugar banana slices on cinnamon toast

Because I was winging it, I accidentally overcompensated for the sweetness of the bananas, thinking the toast and bananas should both be unsweetened. Turns out, they weren’t really sweet enough, so I sprinkled a little sugar on top. Kids loved it.

Fried cinnamon and sugar banana slices on cinnamon toast - mini sandwich

I hear these are also good on vanilla ice cream. Oh, and if you’re wanting an actual recipe, it looks like the common ration is 1 teaspoon cinnamon to 1/4 cup flour for about 4 bananas. I have no idea how accurate that is, though. That would imply I measured.