Aaaahhhh – When watermelons attack (Wordless Wednesday)

animals, cats, fruit, fruits, humor | January 11, 2012 | By

Cat attacking a watermelon gif

Turducken Week – Cherpumple pie cake and vegetarian turducken

baking, cake, creative, dessert, fruit, fruits, pie, turducken | December 30, 2011 | By

You know….CHERry, PUMpkin, and apPLE pies stuffed inside a cake. Just what you always wanted and didn’t know it, huh?

Cherpumple - Cherry, apple, pumpkin pie in a cake

One of these days, I’ll have to make one of these, too. I don’t know how they managed to keep it from sinking, but apparently it held its shape through the 4 hour serving window. And just in case you were wondering how this measures up with the other turducken varieties this week, it weighs in at almost 22 pounds and served 200 guests.

Cherpumple slice - Cherry, apple, pumpkin pie in a cake 

There are a bunch of other cherpumple submissions, too, so be sure to check them out.

And just in case you’re looking for more PETA-friendly turducken alternatives, this one is probably right up your alley:

Turkey, duck, chicken turducken stuffed animal bird

Awwww. <3

Cleary Fresh Bags Review


A while back…well, a long while back actually….Anne contacted me about reviewing the Clearly Fresh Bags. She was awesome enough to even ship me a sample to Canada. And then even more awesome by being patient while I disappeared to BlogHer and tried to get settled back in.

On the up side, though, I put fruit into the bags before I left for the conference for a week, so I was able to give a legit review of the bags. They worked great! I took some pictures, but they didn’t really turn out that well ‘cause you can’t tell much difference. I’ll show you some from their site, though, and will try to get better pictures from the next attempt with the bags I do. I don’t want to make these guys wait any more than I already have, though.

The video above gives some really good tips on how to use them. It’s kinda sad they can’t really be used more than a few times since you can’t wash them and still keep the BreatheWay patch working, but I don’t feel so bad because each use lasts a couple weeks really.

There’s a lot more information on how the bags work on the site, too. Basically, it let’s the good stuff in and the bad stuff out. :P I don’t know the details of what’s actually in the breathe membrane, but it seems to work.

So far, I’ve only tried them with a couple different types of produce (blueberries and lettuce), but I’m looking forward to trying them out with already cut fruits and things like peaches that seem to either last a while or go bad rather quickly. I’m wondering if they’d work well on mushrooms, too….they’re not on the list and not a fruit or veggie, but still a produce that tends to go bad.

Want to try them out yourself? It looks like you can buy them straight through the site for $4 for 10 bags. Keep in mind that the bags are really big, too, so you’re not buying little rinky-dink ziplocs here.

And if you have any other questions about them, feel free to ask in the comments or email me. I know I didn’t get too detailed here, but their site has a lot of great info and I’ll likely post about them again as I try them out more. :)