Teenage chocolate ninja turtles – Heroes on a half spoon!
Nablopomo – Favorite candy – Chocolate
Adorable, no? As if candy turtles could get any better beyond their pecan caramely chocolatey goodness, then somebody had to go and add turtle heads.
That somebody was Robin Sue from Big Red Kitchen, and if you read her About Me section, you can get a great sense of how funny and awesome she is in both the kitchen and her blog writing. Here is where I tried to sum up the variety of recipes and stories she posts in a single line and well, it just wasn’t happening because there’s too much to say….so just go look. :P
And then she does stuff like this that really tickles my fancy. Do you see that tail?? Her tutorial gives the full low-down on how to do it and with even more adorable pictures than the teasers I gave you here. Look at those faces!
Oh, and if you have any nut allergies in your house, you’ll be happy to notice the pretzel leg alternatives. Yum.
November 10, 2011
Hello! I’m following from the Wild Wednesday Blog Hop! I’m following you through Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, and Networked Blogs, as applicable!
I hope you’re having a great week!
Much Love,
Courtney P.
P.S. These are the cutest things EVER!!