When QJ moves – Part 4- Premade, processed, icky food….is amazing
I know most people don’t know my eating habits (yet?) but for the most part, I make everything homemade, avoid chemicals (despite the last post’s implications) when I can, and like to think that we eat pretty healthy.
Except this day.
This day, we had our family of 6, plus 4-12 helpers throughout the day, and so I grabbed the most convenient, cheapest, most universal food I could think of.
Boxed pizza.
I must say, midway through the day and after the 12th pizza* I pulled out of the oven, that was probably the best frozen pizza I’ve ever had, too, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. If regular readers existed here and knew what I was, health, fitness, and mommy bloggers would lecture me here…..but because nobody’s really reading this yet, I have nothing to be afraid of. I liked every bite of that Totino’s pizza and I wouldn’t have changed it for the world. :P
And if that weren’t bad enough, that morning, I pulled out a frozen apple pie for the kids’ breakfast. Someone had given it to us quite a while back, but I hadn’t use it because we don’t usually eat pie….and when we do, I make it myself. I figured on our first day in a new house, why not celebrate by having dessert for breakfast?
Yes, frosting and all. No, it wasn’t a very nutritional day, but whatever. It was fun. Don’t ask what we had for supper that night, though….
Shut up. :P
*Not that I expect you to notice, but in case you did, the pizza pictures show different colored counters. I actually cooked the first batch at the old house while continuing to pack and clean. Then when we took the load over to the new house, I cooked more in the oven there.
The rest of the posts about my big move can be found here.
October 3, 2010
For some reason, Totino’s and Jeno’s is my favorite pizza and I’ve been known to eat a whole one myself for lunch.
Pie for breakfast? YUM!!
And that looks like Pizza Hut, yes?
October 3, 2010
nom nom nom… ;)
Quirky Jessi
October 3, 2010
Totino’s is by far my favorite crappy frozen pizza. I have a hard time ‘not’ eating a whole one myself, lol. I don’t know….they’re not even pizza-like really (kinda like how Taco Bell isn’t “real Mexican”), but they just hit the spot sometimes!