A new quirky bunny on the block?(Wordless Wednesday)

bunny, dog, quirky, Wordless Wednesday | February 29, 2012 | By

Dog sitting up like a rabbit in bunny ears and eating a carrot

Barbecue tips – Cook food over an active volcano

barbecue, quirky, restaurant | February 21, 2012 | By

El Diablo restaurant - cooking over open fire volcano

Really, nobody is going to care if the food is a little extra dry or maybe not packed as full of flavor as you might have liked. Because it was cooked by a freakin’ volcano!

It won’t be cheap, but to get the best barbecue, it’s obviously worth it. This particular volcano is on a Spanish island near Morocco. In 1970 Cesar Manrique created a restaurant called El Diablo. They grill all meat and fish straight over the open heat. Don’t worry, though. This isn’t a volcano erupting with any actual lava spewing all over the place. It’s basically just a hole of hot heat.

El Diablo restaurant - cooking chicken and fish over open fire volcano

But it’s volcanic hot heat. How cool is that?

If you’re ever in the area, the Volcan Grill Tour is operated every Tuesday from 6 to 9:30 PM. For €50, you get a tour of the area, a three course meal, and transportation to and from your hotel. That’s really not that bad at all, huh?

I couldn’t find any really good videos but this will give you an idea of what the restaurant on Lanzarote is like.

Unicorn Poop – Rainbows, sprinkles, glitter, and all things unicorn-y

cookies, kids, quirky, rainbow | February 13, 2012 | By

Unicorn poop cookies with rainbow sugar cookies and star sprinkles
Well now here’s a topic I didn’t expect to be posting about.I especially didn’t expect it on a blog about cooking, food, kitchen goodies, and all things sanitary and appetizing.
But it is what it is, and this is definitely quirky.

And at the risk of my mother never clicking my links again, this one gets a little descriptive:

Different textures of rainbow poop - Fresh, freestyle, sick big, lil small, happy, strange unicorn poop cookie recipe

Wanna make your own? Of course you do! Who wouldn’t, right?
Alright, here’s the link to instructions: Unicorn Poop Tutorial
I’m sure there’s a party or event out there that is just perfect for these. :P
And in case you really enjoy this sort of thing, you may want to check out this shirt. It’s less “pretty,” but same idea.