Natural dyes for Easter eggs

Use foods like turmeric, cranberry and raspberry juice, instant coffee, carrot tops and yellow onion skins, beets, dill seed, and red cabbage leaves to produce pink, green, brown, red, beige, yellow, and blue Easter egg dyes natural

Are those colors rich or what? Often times when I see natural dyes, they’re dull or limited to only beiges and browns. That blue is gorgeous and the red from the carrot tops is deeper than the normal earthy tones.

Wanna replicate it? RadMegan has a TON of photos, tutorials, tips, and ways to make these your own. The image above is cool and gives a nice description, but the up-close ones on her site will show you just how detailed and unique the texture of the eggs are, too. Pretty cool. :)

Via my sister.

Quirky Cookery Easter Bunny

Yes, I fully realize that Easter was a few months ago, but whatever.

What happens when you cross this original:

With this purple evolution/spin:

With a couple dozen pre-cracked eggs:

With a silly Jessi who just let her family know that she had a blog right before Easter?

You get this entered into the yearly egg contest:

Too many peeps? Make peep sushi!

This is one of those dishes that I’ve held onto a bookmark of for quite a while. I wanted to make my own, but well, I just never did and Carey, Erin, and Grace did such a good job that I never would’ve been happy with my own results in comparison.

I wouldn’t have been as funny writing about them either. Here’s some of the things Grace had to say about the process:

  • There is no wasabi. Same goes for ginger. Peeps are sassy enough on their own. (We tried smashing up a green Peep for a wasabi-esque condiment, but decided against this.)
  • With glossy spreads from Masaharu Morimoto‘s The New Art of Japanese Cooking book out for inspiration….
  • Execute six Peeps of your color choice by decapitation. Cut off more neck than you think is appropriate.
  • (In the “you will need” section) Nimble fingers. Man hands might find this a wee difficult.

There’s even a suggestion of what temperature water to drink to make these go down best. I can’t imagine a better tutorial for peepshi.