Dear Subway… (Wordless Wednesday)

Dear Subway Inc, your cheese slices are shaped like this (isosceles triangle cheese). This is great because it allows you to tessellate the cheese across the sandwich like this (alternating to cover the whole sandwich). However, you guys never do this. instead, you always arrange your cheese like this (all facing the same way and overlapping).  Please stop doing it like that.
Seriously, cut it out.

80s cartoon creations – Smurfs, Scooby, Care Bears, Jetsons


Nablopomo – Favorite animated character

Yay, time for some cartoon fun. I don’t have a favorite, but here are some other people’s creations related to some cartoons I would’ve watched in mostly the 80s. (The picture above is mostly 90s toons that my sister would’ve watched instead, but I thought it was a cool collection of cupcakes).

Smurf cookies with papa smurf and smurfette

Smurf Cookies

Bugs bunny sandwich with strawberries and carrots

Bugs Bunny Sandwich – Did you know they brought Bugs back?? In 2011, they have a new show called The Looney Tunes Show where Bugs and Daffy are living together in LA and all their neighbors are other toons from the original shows from long ago. I haven’t brought myself to actually watch it yet.

Scooby Doo birthday party with lots of Scooby food treats

Scooby Doo Party

Care Bears bento box with hearts

Care Bears BentoBento boxes still amaze me

Charlie Brown Cafe food picture of pastries crepe and ice cream

Charlie Brown Café

Flintstones Flinstones vitamins with eyes

Flintstones Googly Vitamins – The whole site is filled with things with googly eyes.

Garfield food lasagna cake

Garfield and his Lasagna

 Muppet Babies cake food Muppet Babies food  Muppet Babies cake food

Muppet Babies Cakes

Jetsons food moleculaire food printer automated automatic food preparation

Jetsons-style Electrolux Moleculaire food printer – Here’s a video explaining how it works, but doesn’t it remind you of the Jetsons?

The coffee addict edition – Funny pictures because they’re true

cartoons, coffee, funny, humor, pictures | October 10, 2011 | By

Coffee muggers - Cartoon coffee mugs with pirate eye patch and coffee or hot chocolate beard, holding up/sticking up  a cup of tea with a tea bag purse

Coffee muggers.

This one makes me giggle way more than it should. Check out that tea bag purse, hehe.

Lolcat funny coffee picture with hyper cat saying "Coffee? What you mean coffee wuz/was in cup? I not know what you talkin bout. Thought that was water. Yeah, water..."

Animated gif of Sylvester the cat trying to pour a cup of coffee but shaking too much from the caffeine jitters

Scary but true - Statistics show that everyone who's ever been to a Starbucks will die - shows dozens of cups of Starbucks coffee

Coffee related magnets - I haven't had my coffee yet, Don't make me kill you - Drink coffee, Do stupid things faster with more energy - Espresso! Euphoria without the unsightly track marks - Coffee makes it possible to get out of ed, Chocolate makes it worthwhile.

Man drinking a huge cup of coffee with caption "Coffee is just cocaine for poor people"

Coffee mugs with names and checklists of coffee preferences - sugar, cocoa, cream, white, strong, tea

IV bag with Starbucks coffee 100% french roast