Out of the mouths of….parents? – Cooking baby tortles

animals, funny, humor, pasta | September 26, 2011 | By

From Crazy Things Parents Say:

Dad: I think we ought to boil baby tortles for dinner.
Me: DAD!
Dad: No, seriously.
Me: Boiling baby turtles isn’t nice.
Dad: No, you’ve got it wrong. Baby tortles. Tortellini? Mini tortles. You see?

Mmm, tortellini. I’m always going to think of them as baby turtles now, though, hehe. I need somebody to add turtle heads to to a pile of pasta now, hehe.

Because everybody should be able to appreciate some awesome spaghetti (Wordless Wednesday)

What does summer mean to you? – Neighbors, friends, family, strangers offloading garden abundance

Oh yeah! I haven’t had a garden since I was little, but it never fails that at some point in the season, there’s somebody who is desperate to get rid of dozens of tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, or whatever else they planted far too much of.

In this case, a friend of the family steadily supplied us with tomatoes all season long last year. Whatever we could pick, we could have, as they were already over run with picking their own and for family. And there was always tons left even after we walked away with bags’ full.

Aren’t they gorgeous? Yum.

And that giant above? His skin was a bit tough, but he peeled and sliced nicely into large steaks of tomato.

And in case you’re wondering how to use up a large amount of tomatoes in a short amount of time, turn ‘em into pasta sauce. I made my life easier by mass blanching, peeling, and slicing all in one go.


Tip: Stand at a low-sitting table or countertop (this works especially well if you’re short like I am, so you don’t strain your back leaning over). Place the cutting board on the edge and scoop the tomatoes and sauce directly off into a bowl or crockpot on the floor. Don’t worry, you can transfer it all to another dish after, if you’re squeamish about your floors being dirty.

Although if you’re squeamish, I wouldn’t recommend this anyway, because uh, you may get tomato juice between your toes. But it makes it so fast! Hehe.

See? It’s a mess, but from left to right, I had an entire baking sheet of blanched/peeled tomatoes, the cutting board I was using, the diced tomatoes were scooped forward toward myself and the tops pushed to the side. You can also see a crockpot I’d already filled, my laptop, various drinking options, a basket of produce, and the slotted spoon I used to dip out the tomatoes in the background.

I kept blanching continuously until I made it through them all, chopping and dicing during the minute they were in the water. I was through them in no time, but boy did it look a mess for a bit, ha.