Magnificent Mario portrait made of colored salt!

Nablopomo – Someone you love – Mario (don’t forget I have a Mario tumblr, too)

super mario art made of salt and then destroyed 

Watch all the way to the end to see what he does when it’s done. I might’ve cried a little inside, but yay for getting to see the video. Awesomely done.

He has a ton of other creations, too, so if you’re in awe of this, beware….you could find yourself on his YouTube page for hours.

Play football with flaming coconuts in Indonesia

Indonesians play football with flaming balls of fire - coconut shells lit on fire 
There are very few foods I don’t like, but coconut is definitely one of them.
The smell grosses me out and the taste of it is often enough to make me want to put down whatever food it’s in. Even hidden within chocolate chip granola bars that have no business containing coconut, I can taste it. And I don’t like it. :P
Indonesians play football with flaming balls of fire - coconut shells soaked in kerosene, petroleum, or gas and lit on fire
But this? This is really cool. Well, in the creepy “they starve themselves and don’t sleep, and then soak coconut shells in kerosene, light them on fire, and kick them around barefooted” kind of way.
Indonesians play football with flaming balls of fire - coconut shells soaked in kerosene, petroleum, or gas and lit on fire

But even so, still kinda neat to watch them have fun with a flaming ball of fire. The story behind it is worth a read, too. Here’s an actual video of it:


Food landscapes – Broccoli trees, filet of fish sea, foodscapes, mmm

Nablopomo – Scenery

Foodscape - Landscape picture with broccoli trees, balloons made out of bananas, pears, produce, strawberry, lime; basket of berries blueberries and raspberries; potato rocks

Now this guy knows how to play with his food!

Broccoli looks like trees, cauliflower clouds, whole scenery with bread mountains

Carl Warner has dozens more of these foodscapes in his portfolio, but I’ve gotta say, I really prefer his older work that looks like the last set of pictures on this page. The new stuff looks mostly just Photoshopped. Still artistic and cool to look at, but I have a much harder time picturing that someone actually put it together with real food.

Foodscape with potatoes and lettuce leaf trees

Enjoy some more of these pictures and check out the original artist’s website for much bigger pictures (I set one as my desktop wallpaper) and a bunch more awesomeness.

Fish sea, potato rocks, bread rocks

(Filet of fish sea with a pea canoe? Lovely!)

Rice field with ginger trees and coconut haystacks

Bean rock walls with garlic cheese basket, pepper tres, cheese house

Food landscape art picture

(Carrot stalactites)

Food market art with tortellini, almonds, tomatoes, peas, beans, and pepper curtains

(Did you notice the bell pepper slice awnings?)
Bacon snowscape picture with meat river, bacon trees, biscuit rocks, pretzel sled, snow   Bacon snowscape picture with meat river, bacon trees, biscuit rocks, pretzel sled, snow

Picture of Carl Warner taking pictures of bacon and deli meat landscape scenery

I love that there’s a prep picture shown. I would’ve just assumed everything was painted or produced online to begin with, rather than being able to believe it was all done out of real food. Yummy.