Cheesy pizza billboards – So good you can almost taste it

advertising, funny, pizza, quirky | October 16, 2010 | By

Or not. But you can at least giggle at them!
Donatos hand tossed pizza cheese stretches billboard advertisment
donatos hand toss pizza big on taste steaming pizza billboard with real steam
Another Donatos one. I’ve only ever had those pizzas in Columbus, OH, so I don’t know if they’re elsewhere even. I know they definitely got creative with the advertising, though.
Korea pizza add where cheese is stretched up the stair walls
Pizza Hut advertising in Korea

Mmm, extra cheese.
papa john's pizza advertisement where cheese stretches across telephone pole wires
Looks like Papa John’s getting in on the cheesy action, too.

Top 30 weird Pepsi flavors – Americans are boring, no?

advertising, lists, soda | October 12, 2010 | By

Yeah, I said 30. Who knew Pepsi even had that many flavor options outside the norm?? This isn’t counting all the “normal” ones, diet versions, not-really-funky versions like a hint of lemon or lime, etc.

  1. Pepsi WhiteYogurt flavor
  2. Ice Cucumber – Japan
  3. Holiday Spice – This one was actually an American special edition. Does anybody remember it? – Tastes like cinnamon
  4. Pepsi Green -Thailand – Had a hard time finding what this one even tastes like. “Cannot describe” was phrase that came up often in my searches. It’s apparently a bit spicy…but not spicy. Um, thanks.
  5. Pepsi Mojito – Lemon flavored with, of course, mint
  6. Pepsi FireCinnamon flavored – Guam, Saipan, Thailand, Mexico, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines
  7. Pepsi Ice – Duh, of course they’d have both – Sold in the same places, but this one has an icy, mint taste. According to Wikipedia, there was another Pepsi Ice in Czech and Slovakia that tasted like apple. Hmm.
  8. Gold/Cheer – FIFA World Cup promo – Asia, Europe, Finland, Russia, and the Middle East – Um, it looks like pee, heh
  9. Kona – Tasted like coffee but didn’t last
  10. Christmas – Like the holiday spice one, but this one has nutmeg and cocoa, too
  11. X Energy – It looks red and is obviously pumped with caffeine, plus guaranine – Sold in several countries
  12. Freeze – Ooo, slushies! Does this really count as a flavor? Maybe, maybe not, but they always taste different when frozen, and it’s different than just doing it yourself, too….these are the ones you find at gas stations.
  13. Pepsi Summer MixTropical punch – Northeast US loved it, but they discontinued it anyway
  14. Pepsi Summer Chill – Found this one while looking for the summer mix instead – Another apple one, but this one is from Poland instead.
  15. Pepsi Twistão – This is Pepsi Twist, but with an even bigger lemon twist – um, because they need more lemon, I guess? 
  16. Shiso – Green shiso soda from Japan – I’m not familiar with shiso, but was told that it’s in the mint family
  17. SambaMango and Tamarind – Australia and Spain
  18. Raging Razzberry – Oo, guess what? The Razzberry tastes like raspberries! 
  19. Azuki – Tastes like the azuki bean, which I guess isn’t ‘that’ weird considering they’re usually eaten sweat anyway.
  20. Boabab – Flavored like the fruit from the boabab tree. Anybody know what this tastes like? 
  21. Pepsi Blue – Geesh, they’re real creative with all these colors, huh? This one’s fruity and was a big flop. You can still get it in Lombok, an island near Bali, and sometimes during the holiday seasons elsewhere, but that’s about it. Maybe they should’ve thought of a better name? 
  22. Strong Shot –  This one tastes pretty normal supposedly, but it has extra caffeine and extra carbonation, so weee, bubbles!
  23. Blue HawaiiPineapple and lemon-flavored, but colored blue…hmm… Supposedly it’s based on the Blue Hawaii cocktail, but without the rum, blue Curacao, and vodka
  24. Edge/Advantage – This one isn’t so much about being a weird flavor, as it is a weird product. Edge contained half the carbs, calories and sugar than regular Pepsi, was flavored with Splenda, and even showed up in The Apprentice 2. Advantage is the same stuff, but was only sold in Quebec.
  25. Pepsi Kick – Woo, ginseng and caffeine here, but only in Mexico
  26. JazzBlack cherry and french vanilla
  27. Pepsi Boom – No sugar, no caffeine, no artificial sweeteners. Um, does it have any flavor? 
  28. Ice cream – Uh… – Tastes a little like vanilla, but a little like cream soda, and maybe like ice cream? – Russia
  29. BAPE Pepsi bottle-shaped cans – Yeah, Bathing Ape. Google it. Cool cans!
  30. Carnival – Another tropical variety of some sort. Really, how many did they need? The packaging is cool, though.
  31. Cappuccino – Like the Kona, but this one was mostly in India, Romania, Russia, and Europe. Tastes like coffee…who woulda thunkit? 
  32. Mont Blanc – Tastes like french chesnuts

Shh, there’s actually 32 there, but you can’t see because the numbers are converted to check mark bullets. :P

If you click on the photo up top, it’ll take you to an album of all the Pepsi product pictures I uploaded for a closer look. Pictures were found mostly on sites that had obviously stolen them from other sites, so sigh, no attribution really. :(

Lord of the (Onion) Rings

Lord of the Onion Rings - Booger/Burger King

Lord of the Onion Rings can be all yours as an 24″x36″ acrylic on canvas for only $900. You’d hang a piece of art with Booger King plastered across it, right?