The most ridiculous pizza creation yet

pizza | January 15, 2013 | By


Let me break this down for you….

For starters, there is a full pizza, including crust, stuffed inside another pizza. That’s the “double” part.

From there, the outer ring is stuffed with three kinds of cheese…cheddar, parmesan, and mozzarella. The inner ring is chicken sausage and more cheese.

The inner pizza pie is covered in pepper alfredo sauce, smoked chicken, and zucchini. The second ring has salsa, turkey ham, bell peppers, and mushrooms.

And then, as if that’s not enough, they top it off with a cherry. No, really, check out the middle. There’s a “cherry on top.”

Wow, talk about overkill.

….where can I sign up? :P

Source: Singapore Pizza Hut


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