National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) – Adult Time
It’s November yet again and that means the blogging challenge to post every day for 30 days.
In the past, I have used it as a chance to run a theme month.
Last year was a drawing challenge prompt sheet. 2010 bought a bunch of weird food-related stuff. 2009 was all about gaming. And 2008 was quirky art over on Quirky Jessi. Yeah, I’ve been doing NaBloPoMo for a while.
This year, the theme is going to be “adult.” I have been toying with the idea of having a side site for quirky food that didn’t fit my PG-13 rule here. Namely, there is a lot of alcohol-related quirkiness that is sent my way, but because I want kids to be able to see this site, I don’t post it.
I don’t have the time to keep up with the sites I have, though, much less start another one, so I’m bending my own rules this month. I’ll still be avoiding content that wouldn’t be safe for work but if you tend to share ideas from my posts with your kids, this month will be the time to go back through the archives. Enjoy!
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