Meaty V-Day cookies for men

adult, cookies, humor, meat, nablopomo, nablopomo2012 | November 30, 2012 | By

Reminder that this year’s NaBloPoMo theme on Quirky Cookery is “adults.” Content may not be appropriate for kids.

Meat cookies for men. Decorated to look like bacon, ham, and a t-bone steak. The hearts say "well done," "let's pork," and "meat me."

You can’t get much blunter *and* punnier than that, now can you?

The Whipped Bakeshop no longer makes these, it seems, or maybe they only make them around Valentine’s Day. I think these oversized conversation hearts could work at any time of the year, though.


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    Quirky Jessi
    November 30, 2012


    I’m kinda looking forward to getting back to my regular posting. I have so many of my own dishes to share!

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