Eating Cheetos is serious business

funny, humor, tips | July 20, 2012 | By

How to eat cheetos and messy foods with chopsticks to avoid getting your keyboard dirty and your fingers orange

*sings “All I want for Christmas are my two chopsticks”* because really, this is genius.

I don’t know many people who would actually bother to dig out chopsticks in order to eat their favorite messy snack, but if you’re one of them, can we be friends? Because I think it’s awesome.

You’ll probably friend-break-up with me, though, when you discover that, while my chopstick skills are enough to get by with sushi, pho, and occasionally a crab….I’m not going to put out that much effort for a bag of orange snacks.

At best, I’m going to use them like chopsticks.

Ooo, or kabobs!!

I could skewer a whole row of orange puffs onto each stick. Granted, half of them will break right in two, leaving behind a crumbly powdered orange mess, but hey, you’ll clean it up with your amazing chopstick skills, right?


Friend…where did you go….?



*licks Cheetos dust off the keyboard*


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    The UDG
    July 21, 2012

    You. Are. Genius. Except I would probably use the chopsticks to type and use my fingers to eat the Cheetos. Licking the cheesish cheesiness off my fingers is safer than licking chopsticks (I hate splinters).

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    Quirky Jessi
    July 21, 2012

    Ooo, now you’re onto something!! I hadn’t considered typing with the chopsticks instead. That’d be a lot more enjoyable….although not nearly as productive either, lol. Maybe I should just eat the cheetos and walk away from the computer?


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