Laziest BlogHer Recap Ever – My, what big ears you have!

blogher, my blog, pictures | August 16, 2011 | By

The better to hear you with, my dear readers. <3

And therefore, I heard your whining.

I heard all fussing about how there are soooo many BlogHer11 recaps and you’re sick of hearing about it.

I heard all the procrastinating from the others saying “I’ve been home for a week and still haven’t posted about it!”

And the only reason this post is happening at all is because I most definitely heard your whining of “When are you going to post your recap??”

But I don’t waaaannnnaaaa. It’s a food blog. I post about food. And while there were a few quirky food items at BlogHer, those were far from the highlights. I’ve been slowly trying to upload pictures but there are so, so many, and most of the things I *would* post here, are going to get their own special posts.

So here’s your recap. Collage style. Not even edited….you see those pictures that need rotated? Oh yeah, tilt your head, pfft.

Really, I *will* get to sharing more of what I experienced. If we’re not Facebook friends, make it so…..tags there are showing pictures of my time there faster than I am. And if you only want food stuff, just like here.

Short answers to some questions I got about it from BlogHer non-attendees (and well, attendees, too, actually, but they already got the answers).

Did you wear ears the whole time you were there??  Yup, sure did. Most fun ever. <3

Weren’t you wearing different colored ears earlier? Yep, probably.

How many ears do you have?? Um, I took 4 pairs with me. Blue, yellow, white, pink (which are white with pink middles really)

Why are you wearing ears? Why not? It’s fun! (And the longer answer being that it goes with the rest of my bunny display pictures and people wouldn’t recognize me if I weren’t wearing them…duh. :P )

*insert another question about ears….and then maybe another* People loved the ears. I love the ears. I knew they would draw some attention….wearing bunny ears to a professional conference and all….but I really had no idea I would have my picture taken *quite* that much. And not like the posed ones up top. There were times where random BlogHer photographers would snap a picture of me before I could even smile…or sit down…or turn to face them…or even notice them. The flash often preceded the photographer, yikes, lol.

In all seriousness (or not?), it was so much fun and I met so many great people. I’ve kept up with BlogHer stuff the last several years as everyone took off to the various conferences, so I knew what it was all about….but at the same time, as prepared as I thought I would be from that, nothing could describe what I actually ended up experiencing. It was incredible….and trying to say anything beyond that would still be a flat understatement.

So many, many thanks to the people who made it possible in the first place (even if that falls on deaf ears….I cannot express how appreciative I am)….and to all the people I met at the conference who made it a spectacular time (especially Sarah from nerdyapplebottom who became an instant friend and balcony escape buddy)….and to my friends who came out before and made the pre-conference days special in San Diego….and to my mom and sister who flew across the country to meet me after where we continued the whirlwind of activities at Coronado, Seaport, and the huge SD zoo in under 48 hours.

And yes, I’m wearing ears while I write this.

I wish they had speakers. Ooo, or maybe spy cameras so I could record people’s excitement, confusion, and giggles when they do double takes at my ears. Remind me of that if I go to BlogHer next year….


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    August 17, 2011

    I’m new to blogging, so I don’t really know anything about BlogHer. I mean, I know what the site is, and I know that there was a conference and all, but MY questions would revolve around what did they discuss, did you have to go by yourself or did you know other bloggers, what happened there, etc. Your pictures tell a story of their own. And the bunny ears. I think I need to go to this BlogHer.

    Visiting you from vB :)

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    Lisa K
    August 17, 2011

    Hey I am out blog hopping- love your blog- Hope you stop by and say hi

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    Lil Mama Stuart
    August 22, 2011

    I’m actually writing my recap as we speak. So does that make me the laziest of them all?? Going to link back to you and the Sparklecorn video! :)

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    Quirky Jessi
    August 24, 2011

    That might make you lazier in terms of delays, but I bet your actual recap will be way less lazy, hehe.

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