Stuck in the garbage disposal? Tongs to the rescue!

Cup stuck in a garbage disposal, using tongs to remove retrieve it

We’ve had the garbage disposal for 8 months now without any major problems. Then twice in one week, this happened. Somehow, of all the dishes that were placed in the sink first, this one little plastic cup managed to slide right into the garbage disposal hole.


And this perfectly sized cup was also just tall enough that it couldn’t be pushed farther into the disposal so I could reach in, get a grip, and pull it out. It was also just short enough there was no lip I could grab onto it from this angle either. It was wedged as tight as can be without wanting to go up or down.


So tongs it was! It was still difficult to get the tongs wedged in and secure a grip, but once I did, it came right out. Well, and then right back in a few days later, but that’s beside the point…


Cup stuck in a garbage disposal, using tongs to remove retrieve it


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    January 7, 2014

    The tongs didn’t work for me but it gave me the idea to wedge two big spoons on both sides of the cup and squeeze in and lift and it finally came out!

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