Mushroom, mushroom!

*Edit* Grr, I don’t know why the YouTube videos haven’t been embedding properly lately. Sorry. :(

Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
Mushroom, mushroom!
Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
Mushroom, mushroom!
Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
Mushroom mushroom!
Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
Argh, snake, argh, a snake! Snaaake! Snaaaake! Ooooooh it’s a snake!
Yep, that’s the song I was singing the entire time I was chopping mushrooms, sometimes while the YouTube video played on loop and sometimes sans music backup.
The fruits (or would that be fungus?) of my labor:
Cream of mushroom soup

Portabello goodies:

Served as pie wedges
Mushroom poppers, slices, etc – several bowls left that were used for a variety of dishes

Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger…..mushroom, mushroom!! <3 :P

Clearance stickers – Addicted to the yellow and orange

clearance stickers cheap mushrooms lettuce vegetables produce

Yeah, I can’t help but buy them out of stock of clearanced produce. And yes, every bit got used, so I’m not one of those people that can’t resist buying up the goods….and then they rot in the fridge before they get used. Nuh uh, no way. You’ll get to see the results of some of it, too, ’cause with that many mushrooms about to go bad, you better believe I had to mass produce something.