How many calories to burn off pizza? (Wordless Wednesday)

health, humor, pizza, Wordless Wednesday | January 30, 2013 | By

After exercising, I always eat pizza....just kidding. I don't exercise.

Feeding Tube Diet – Crash Diets at Their Worst

adult, health, nablopomo, nablopomo2012, PSA | November 26, 2012 | By

Reminder that this year’s NaBloPoMo theme on Quirky Cookery is “adults.” Content may not be appropriate for kids.

Thin tube put inside the nostril to feed nutrients on the k-e diet. The feeding tube diet allows you to lose 10, 15, 20 pounds supposedly and eliminates all hunger. Please do not resort to something like this. Sigh. :(

While eating disorders unfortunately plague children, too, I’m considering this an adult topic because of the extreme it goes to and I certainly don’t want to accidentally promote or encourage the k-e diet.

I’ll keep this brief and let you look at the details yourself but basically it’s a trend of brides-to-be to not only crash diet….but to do it to the extent of not eating at all and getting their bare minimum, 800 calories worth of “nutrients” via a feeding tube. Yes, they’re choosing to pay $1500+ to have a doctor put in a tube so they don’t eat the entire 10 day course and hope to lose up to 10% of their body weight.

Ugh!! I think this article sums it up nicely:

Isn’t it funny, that the moment you find someone who loves you EXACTLY for who are you and who adores what you look like, we suddenly feel a desire to be perfect?

Who are we really losing the weight for? The lady or fella who’s already in love with us? The friends & family who don’t give a hoot? Or is it the pressure to make ourselves ”perfect” on our ”perfect” day?

How to make pepperoni healthier – Fry it! :P

health, pepperoni, pizza, tips | August 20, 2012 | By


Yes, the title sounds contradictory, but it makes sense, really. I don’t actually fry it until crispy or anything, but rather, heat it up just enough to drain off some of that grease.

Don’t worry. You won’t be draining off all the flavor either. It’s no different than blotting off some of the pools of fat sitting on top of your delivery pizza. Sometimes it’s great, but sometimes, there’s just too much and it pours off. Ew. This is the prevention method for that.


For starters, I pretty much always cut the pepperoni either in half of quarters like above, depending on what I’m using it for. This is especially true when I’m baking with it, so for casseroles, pizza rolls, breads, etc.

Not only does the end product feel like it has more pepperoni and is manageable to eat, but this lets me skip the annoying step of pulling apart each slice. Once cut, you can crumble a pile and they naturally fall apart for the most part.

Then toss in a hot skillet and let them heat until some of the edges start to get translucent. The aim isn’t to cook them, so if any edges start to brown, curl, or get crispy, pull it off the heat. You only want it warm.

Tilt your skillet and you’ll get an image like this:


Yum, right?

Photobucket Photobucket

Last step, let it cool off some and continue draining a bit in some coffee filter. You could use paper towels, too, but that’s more likely to stick and filters fit small cereal bowls more easily anyway.

I have no idea just how much this cuts off the top of the pepperoni, but I do know that it makes me feel way less nauseous after eating way too much pepperoni pizza. :P