Feeding Tube Diet – Crash Diets at Their Worst
Reminder that this year’s NaBloPoMo theme on Quirky Cookery is “adults.” Content may not be appropriate for kids.
While eating disorders unfortunately plague children, too, I’m considering this an adult topic because of the extreme it goes to and I certainly don’t want to accidentally promote or encourage the k-e diet.
I’ll keep this brief and let you look at the details yourself but basically it’s a trend of brides-to-be to not only crash diet….but to do it to the extent of not eating at all and getting their bare minimum, 800 calories worth of “nutrients” via a feeding tube. Yes, they’re choosing to pay $1500+ to have a doctor put in a tube so they don’t eat the entire 10 day course and hope to lose up to 10% of their body weight.
Ugh!! I think this article sums it up nicely:
Isn’t it funny, that the moment you find someone who loves you EXACTLY for who are you and who adores what you look like, we suddenly feel a desire to be perfect?
Who are we really losing the weight for? The lady or fella who’s already in love with us? The friends & family who don’t give a hoot? Or is it the pressure to make ourselves ”perfect” on our ”perfect” day?
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