Fingernail candy – Artistic or gross?

art, candy, Halloween | December 16, 2011 | By

Fake fingernails painted and shaped to look like candy wrappers - M&Ms, Jolly Ranchers, Hot Tamales, Reese's Pieces, Tootsie Rolls, and then flowers and designs of some sort?

Maybe it’s just me. While I love fingernail art (evidenced by this whole post about it), the Tootsie Roll one kinda grosses me out. I know they’re fake nails and it’s not a big deal, but it’s kinda weird to have it shaped like the wrapper at the there. No thanks.

Also, are the middle ones supposed to be some sort of candy? Or is it random swirlies and such?

Watch a jack-o-lantern melt

Halloween, pumpkin, vide, videos | October 30, 2011 | By

Okay, so it’s not really melting. And the point is to show that the first pumpkin *isn’t,* in hopes of you buying the embalming product. But come on, the coolest part is watching the bad one go, well, bad.

How to make glow in the dark food – Tonic jello

Halloween | October 25, 2011 | By

Just in case you’re still looking for some fun Halloween ideas, here’s a reminder of a super simple one. Add tonic water to your punch, jello, etc and voila.

For more fun ideas from last year’s party, clicky the links.

Halloween food

Halloween party invitations, decorations, and costumes