Canadians like their….big jars of honey!

When sprouts overtake the garlic cloves…
I don’t know all the scientific details of what the ideal temperature, humidity, etc, is for garlic to sprout.
I do know that when I was staying in Canada, though, every single head of garlic would start sprouting and all of my cloves would need to be de-germed every time I wanted to use them…even straight from the grocery store.
Sometimes, it was more than just a little sprout, too. This is an example of what it often looked like. By the time I cut into a clover, there was just as much sprout to be removed as there was usable garlic left over for me to chop. It was kind of frustrating actually, especially considering it’s not something I had ever really had to deal with before.
Canadians like their…. topsy turvy measuring systems
I already posted about how they like the metric system. That’s a given.
It’s not just that they use the metric system, though. It’s that any given recipe may use multiple types of measurements. It wasn’t uncommon for me to have to use the scale for weighing flour…a spoon for teaspoons….and then another type of cup for milliliters (or more likely, dig around online for a conversion). Gah! It’s bad enough having to use multiple teaspoons, tablespoons, and half cups anyway, pfft.
So after listening to me whine about this more than once, Mom sent me the above/below ‘shot glass’ measuring glass for Christmas last year. It covered every type of measuring I might encountered under the half cup mark so that I didn’t have to try to convert the measurements…. or dirty every spoon in the house.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, that’s purple leopard printed socks tucked inside….also part of my quirky gift box collection that was sent. <3
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