Bet you can’t eat just one

animals, chocolate, humor | September 13, 2012 | By


And I bet you even more that you can’t just dip your pinky in when nobody is looking. 

I wish I had the guts to climb right into a chocolate fountain like that. Everything society has taught me says that it’s inappropriate, but come on, it’s chocolate. 

Warm chocolate. 

Warm, melted, ooey gooey, liquid chocolate that is flowing in a way that you could drink it….or shower in it. 

Or well, both. If you’re going to break the rules, might as well do it all, right? Go big or go home. 

Can I get this in waterfall size, please? 


~Edit~ This was too convenient. This gif explains exactly how I would feel after….except I would have chocolate all over instead of just my mouth. 


What does snake taste like?

Cake that looks like an albino snake
Closeup head shot of a cake that looks like a yellow snake 
It tastes like cake:

Realistic snake cake cut up

I’m pretty sure this counts as the most realistic cake I’ve seen. We’ve seen a lot of lookalikes, but it’s usually pretty obvious that it’s not “the real thing.” In this case, it’s pretty freakin’ close, don’t you think?

(And thanks for passing this my way, Dave. :D)

When life gives you watermelons, make dragons

12 watermelons carved to look like dragon with pineapple ears and scaling 12 watermelons carved to look like dragon with pineapple ears and scaling

More awesome pictures

Often times when someone asks me about what I do and I start the whole spiel about loving to play with my food, I get one of two responses.

The first comes from people who assume that means I like experimenting with recipes. They immediately picture me in the kitchen, creating new dishes, flailing about with bizarre spices, and cooking things they probably wouldn’t touch in a million years. Wrong.

The second throws out the term “food art.” I suppose that’s closer considering some of the funky dishes I’ve made to look like random creatures, but when I food art, the above is what I picture.

That dragon above? THAT is art. In all senses of the word, the artist has created something magnificent. I’d be thrilled if I could even do a fraction of that.

No really, I’d be quite content just managing to cut a watermelon in half without creating a huge mess….

And this dude? He managed that with TWELVE watermelons and two pineapples…. and somehow created scales on each and every one of them without getting bored or distracted by kids to the point of saying “oh, nevermind, a 3-watermelon dragon is probably enough anyway.” Impressive.