Canadians like their….”Those Little Donuts”
I hadn’t heard of “Those Little Donuts” until almost the end of my stay in Vancouver. I’m so glad my friend Don invited me to go out to the PNE because not only did I have a blast that day, but I got to have these little bites of heaven.
Sure, they may look like just little donuts and that’s really what I chalked them up to when they insisted I needed to get some. Hey, I’m not going to turn down donuts regardless, ya know?
But oh my god, these things are amazing. Their website says “Often imitated, never duplicated” and I believe it. I can see how many places would want to make these, but wouldn’t be able to get it quite right.

I’m in love with their machines, too. They churn out dozens of fresh doughnuts within minutes, frying them quickly in a spiral setup that is mesmerizing to watch, before quickly dipping them into cinnamon and sugar. I know there was another flavor or two available, but I don’t even remember what they were. And I’ve been told that the shops outside the various fairs have a lot of quirky flavors available, too, like Oreo or graham cracker flavors.

I was quite content with just the basic kind, though. They’re still warm when they hit your hands and the texture is perfect. They’re the same doughnuts that they’ve been sending out since the 60s, with the only difference being that their oil used now is trans-fat free, which I think most of us can agree is an okay change to make.
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