Carnivores love immigrants? – Here, have some offensive images(Wordless Wednesday)
"A lot of my friends are vegans now, which I don’t care, eat whatever you want. I just think that my least favorite part of the vegan diet is the verbal part where they explain it to you. It’s just endless. They’re like, "I’m vegetarian, but I don’t eat milk or honey because it takes animal labor to make milk and honey and I think that’s wrong." And it just always strikes me as childish logic, it’s like "I like bees and I like cows…more than the immigrants that pick the vegetables that I eat."
(Shhh, it’s a joke. Mostly. Don’t you dare get all offended. :P And yeah, there are words, but they weren’t my words.)
(Shhh, this one is also a joke. But it’s only fair to insult more than one set of people so nobody can really be allowed to take offense, right? It’s okay to giggle. Then close the screen and forget we had this wordless conversation)
(Too far? Oops.)
(Oh, what the heck, what’s one more….?)
August 31, 2011
{chuckle} …but the reasoning in that first joke actually makes you think. Animal labor? Ummm…yeah, not really a good reason in my book (says the carnivore).
Quirky Jessi
August 31, 2011
Yeah, definitely makes you think.
August 31, 2011
Is producing milk all that much labor? And bees, if they weren’t making honey, would just be bored and probably fat. Fat bees wouldn’t do anyone any good.
August 31, 2011