What drink goes best with pizza? 21+ pizza pies

alcohol, nablopomo, nablopomo2012, pizza | November 12, 2012 | By

Reminder that this year’s NaBloPoMo theme on Quirky Cookery is “adults.” Content may not be appropriate for kids.
Salvatore's Restaurant in Boston is now selling alcohol-infused pizzas for adults
Many people enjoy a cold beer with their pizza, but this guy took it one step farther to class it up instead. As he tells the story:

“We got some dried Italian cherries, and we cooked them, and they were too tough…Obviously, we had to soak them a little, so I decided to soak them in raspberry vodka.”

Because the vodka pizza was such a success, they’re adding other alcoholic pizzas, too: : the “Drunken Pig,” which consists of braised pork marinated in Kahlua with caramelized Granny Smith apples, spicy hot honey and ricotta cheese, and the “Calabria Peach,” which has rum-infused peaches with soppressata picante, mascarpone, basil and more fresh mozzarella.

I have no idea how much you would even be able to taste it in the pizza, and after being cooked, I highly doubt the alcohol content is very high either. It could definitely be delicious with those ingredients, though.

Salvatore’s Restaurant in Boston

Not everybody loves Starbucks

adult, nablopomo, nablopomo2012, videos | November 10, 2012 | By

Reminder that this year’s NaBloPoMo theme on Quirky Cookery is “adults.” Content may not be appropriate for kids.

This one is considered “adult” for language. It went viral last year, but if you missed it, here it is now. Here are the written lyrics if you want to read along:

Welcome to starbucks
my name is Chris
I’ll be your barista for the day
Can i make a drink for you miss?

I know you’ve had a shitty day
well so have I
I really don’t want to care
but I get paid to try

Hello rich white lady,
I already know what you want
you want a skinny vanilla latte
young debutant

well that drink won’t make you skinny
you gotta work for that
and just in case your wondering
I just called you fat

hey mr. asshole
want 6 breakfast sandwiches?
I got a line of angry customers
to hell with this

You’ve got a gang of noisy kids
can you shut them up
I just want to draw a middle finger
on your cup

screw frappucinos
they take forever to make
you know there’s about a pound of fat
in your RF coffee cake

You ordered a grande drip
and my coffee is out
I’ll just pour you something fresh
from the decaf spout

if I have to serve another latino
An extra caramel frappucino
I’ll empty my drawer
and go to reno
and that’s not nonfat in your cappucino

and there’s that angry man
when the store is closed
feels the need to shout aloud
and pound on the windows

well its just a cup of coffee
give me a break
I shouldn’t have to put up with this
making minimum wage

This is starbucks
I don’t want to see you yawn
well you made me get my ass up
at the butt crack of dawn

And I just came up short
on your vanilla bean
i’ll just inject it with some whip
because it can’t be seen

please reach the toilet
that’s where you’re supposed to take shit
I don’t have time to shake your tea
I’ll just swirl it a bit

All my friends think they deserve
something for free
At least act like you will pay
Cuz the lead is staring at me

And all you regulars
who order your ‘name supreme’
well i still don’t know your drink
can you explain it to me

and yes I topped your grande mocha
with diarrhea whipped cream
can you make your way home
i’ve got milk to re-steam

You get cappucinos
your the pickiest of all
you didn’t order it dry
but you want no milk at all

you throw back in my face
tell me I made it wrong
When I got a line of drinks
a couple miles long

extra shot of espresso?
"Stop hassling me,
can i get 18 pumps of classic?"
with type 2 diabetes

and I think i’ve had it up to here
with these treat receipts
If I have to explain it another time
I might defect to Peet’s

I work for starbucks….

Oh, and yes, he got fired for this….for obvious reasons.

Gotta Drink ‘Em All – Pokemon evolution shots/cocktails

adult, alcohol, nablopomo, nablopomo2012 | November 9, 2012 | By

Reminder that this year’s NaBloPoMo theme on Quirky Cookery is “adults.” Content may not be appropriate for kids.
Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise cocktails with spiced rum, coconut rum, blue curacao, light rum, and Mountain Dew Voltage

Green Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur cocktail drink recipes using lime vodka, lime juice, melon liqueur, and Sprite

Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard red cocktail drink recipes using grenadine, fireball cinnamon shiskey, barcardi 151 scotch and ginger ale 

I was a bit too old to get into the whole Pokemon thing when it came out, but I don’t think there’s anyone who isn’t at least vaguely familiar with them now.

And other than weird names and cutesy cartoons, the only information you need to appreciate this is that the creatures evolve and transform into more powerful creatures….or something like that. So a Charmander grows up to be a Charmeleon and then into a Charizard. We know this because the lovely pictures tell us so. :P
As such, that’s how these drinks work, too. So for Squirtle, Wartortole, and Blastoise, the drink starts as a basic shot with spiced rum, coconut rum, and blue curacao. To create the next drink, you use that shot, plus some more ingredients. And to create the Blastoise, you combine the first two drinks, plus some more power….in this case, light rum and Mountain Dew Voltage. Oy!
I love the idea behind the theme of creating new drinks. There’s no way I ever would’ve thought of this myself. And The Drunken Moogle has more than just Pokemon drinks so if you are a gamer of any sort (that includes you Zelda, Mario, and Pacman fans, too), then head over there for more inspiration.