Mocktails are so catty! Wordless Wednesday

A comic called Monday Punday from Gemma Correll with a pitcher on the left and two angry mocktails on the right - The caption quote says "Why don't you take a pitcher? It'll last longer!" to be a play on words of "Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer."

Use leftover champagne to flavor marshmallows

Reminder that this year’s NaBloPoMo theme on Quirky Cookery is “adults.” Content may not be appropriate for kids.


Leftover champagne to make homemade flavored marshmallows. Larmandier berner is the bottle of champagne shown in the picture next to a bucket and champagne glass filled with marshmallow squares.


I didn’t know that there was such a thing as “leftover” alcohol, but hey, if you ever encounter such a rare being, then you might as well use it up, right?


BraveTart says that they can turn out toasty or tart, depending on the kind of champagne used and recommends pairing them with raspberry ice cream, chocolate, or simply roasting them over a flame.

Get plenty of fluids

adult, alcohol, humor, nablopomo, nablopomo2012 | November 27, 2012 | By

Reminder that this year’s NaBloPoMo theme on Quirky Cookery is “adults.” Content may not be appropriate for kids.


Drinking your liquids is way too hard. An IV simplifies everything!