Rubik’s Cube Fruit Salads

fruit, fruits, kiwis, strawberries | April 25, 2013 | By


The above video is one of the better Rubik’s cube fruit salads I have seen. I guess they’re technically not salads, but kind of, right? It’s the only one I have seen with a “dark” fruit like the blue you would expect on a Rubik’s cube, too, so that’s kind of nice, even though the shape is a little off.

Here are some other variations, too:

Chunks of fruit to look like rubik's cube where watermelon, honey do, and other various fruits stacked on top of each other.

Rubik's cube fruit salad dessert using cubes of fresh cut fruit like kiwis, strawberries, apples, and mandarin oranges 

Christmas Rubik's Cube fruit dessert with kiwi, strawberry, feta cheese, and cranberry garnish

This one isn’t diverse in color at all, but I think it’s one of my favorites actually. I was turned on to pairing fruits and cheese a couple years ago and was surprised to really enjoy the combinations, so to see watermelon and cheese together makes me drool just slightly. I think it’s more festive than anything, too, so a nice, refreshing treat for Christmas especially.


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