Can I come back now? Pfft! :P

my blog, QC site | September 8, 2010 | By

Alright guys, can I finally start writing again?  I sure hope so.  I even had a dream about Quirky Cookery the other night.  I’ll spare you the details.  A long story short, it’s about time I got back to this.  At this point, even if it means putting Quirky Jessi on hold, I think that’s what I should do.

I have soooo many pictures to share with you.  So many quirky things that I’ve been doing in the kitchen.  You have no idea.  I’ve even been messing with voice recognition so I can dictate what I’m doing while I’m cooking and forget to tell you guys things.  Crazy, I know. Now if only Firefox, ScribeFire, Photobucket, and my camera would cooperate.

Anyway, if I start slacking again, slap me or something. I keep kicking myself but it’s obviously not getting me anywhere. :P