Maybe broccoli doesn’t like you either (Wordless Wednesday)

A cartoon drawing of broccoli that looks angry with the caption that says "Maybe broccoli doesn't like you either." Touche.

Did you ever think about that? :P

Quirky lettuce bunny – How does she keep her leaves so crisp?

bunny, easter, vegetables, vegetarian, veggies | January 31, 2013 | By

Sheridyn Fisher dressed as a bunny with lettuce leaves as rabbit ears and a bikini. The caption says "Be a bunny's honey. Go vegetarian." PETA advertisment for going vegan or vegitarian.

“I’d go vegetarian for that.” <— says every guy the first time he sees the picture. :P

This is actually a rather old picture that I’ve been holding onto. I couldn’t figure out if it was PG enough for QC, but ultimately, it *is* quirky and it *is* a bunny, so I had to.

The alternative was for me to try to recreate the photo myself and I’m pretty sure nobody wants to see that attempt, lol. And as a true meat eater, I couldn’t justify trying to pull off saying things like “Vegan meals are healthy, humane, and helpful to the environment, so they’re something everybunny can enjoy!” *cringes at the lameness* Still a great photo, though!

Mexican Frankenstein Casserole – Why settle for boring?

Frankenstein casserole with veggies for face; Homemade tortilla chips for dipping into black bean dipping and monster face for Halloween
Mexican cheese casserole
That is a casserole.
A plain ol’, boring casserole, that I’m sure tasted perfectly lovely. It was completely edible and might have gotten an “oo” or an “ah” or maybe even an “mmm” a few times through the meal.
But it’s nothing special.
Frankestein casserole with cheese face, pepper bolts, pepper hair, olive scar and hair, pickles for eyes, pepper stem nose
Add some of these, though? Some completely innocent veggies that don’t really mean anything on their own?
And you get something way more fabulous:
Frankestein monster mexican casserole with cheese face, pepper bolts, pepper hair, black olive scar and hair, pickles for eyes, pepper stem nose

THAT is what will be remembered. It doesn’t matter if maybe it could’ve used a bit more cheese or maybe the corn had been in the freeze just a little too long and lacked flavor. It was an edible monster! And with Halloween right around the corner, you really have no excuse not to have some fun with your own.

Frankestein casserole with cheese face, pepper bolts, pepper hair, sliced black olives scar and hair, pickles for eyes, pepper stem nose Photobucket
It actually had different teeth to begin with. I tried making separate teeth and it looked ridiculous. Then again, I’m not sure it looked much better after the modification, but I thought it helped.
And even Mom got in on the action with some monster nose-picking.
Frankestein casserole with cheese face, pepper bolts, pepper hair, olive scar and hair, pickles for eyes, pepper stem nose
Yes, I come from a very, very mature family. I’m obviously  breaking my mother’s heart here by playing with my food so much. :P