Canadians love their…Nutella!
I actually spotted this outside of Canada while in an American airport. It was in the duty-free international part, though, so still for the Canadians and Brits.
If the image is too small, the front says “weekly pack” and each mini jar of Nutella is labeled with the day of the week. I do enjoy the chocolate hazelnut spread, especially for sneaking into desserts for an extra kick of flavor…but I’m pretty sure a daily dose would be too much even for me, hehe.
November 8, 2013
I’ve heard there’s a difference in the recipe used in the Canadian versus the Italian Nutella (more sugar in the Canadian version),
Quirky Jessi
December 15, 2013
Yep! Although I believe it’s the Italian/European version versus what is purchased in the US. The American version definitely has more sugar and tastes less like hazelnuts. I suppose what you get in Canada depends on where it’s being imported from.